Kollmorgen's AKD2G drive is a leading edge drive product that provides many state of the art features. These release notes for the AKD2G firmware (the software that runs on the AKD2G drive) describe the significant features and changes introduced with each release.
WorkBench or later is required to use this AKD2G firmware release. In general, Kollmorgen recommends that you update to the latest available WorkBench when you install new AKD2G firmware.
Updating to this firmware version is incompatible with some versions prior to 02-01-02-002. If the update fails and the error message "Invalid image type (bad #IT value)" is reported, update to 02-01-02-002 before updating to this version.
Version 02-14-00-000 : November 6, 2024
Action Table
A bug was identified that caused the user specified analog scaling for the Action Task 15 - Set Analog Output. This results in the user setting a scaling, then after rebooting seeing a different value.
The scaling is dependent on the Action Source, and the source was being restored after the analog scaling. By moving the scaling to restore after the source has been restored fixed the bug.
If the Command Buffer is being used to write negative numbers to a keyword, the value is not correctly written.
Bug was identified and fixed.
The SFD-M feedback type (47) is now an available option for the FB#.SELECT keyword for feedbacks 1 and 2. It is also included on the auto-identify list when FB#.SELECT = -1.
The CipSync Home Attained status bit (bit 12) was only set if the user explicitly chose the 'Homing Mode' via the control word.
The CipSync Home Attained status bit now reflects the same information as the Home Done bit (bit 2) of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT, unless homing was just triggered (the bit goes low long enough for the controller to see the rising edge back to high).
When a previously homed axis lost its homing, for example after re-initializing a non-absolute feedback, the 'Home Position Set' bit in the PROFIdrive statusword was not cleared.
The 'Home Position Set' bit in the PROFIdrive statusword is now cleared when the axis loses homing.
When SDO Info was read from the drive, and the response had to be split into multiple mailbox packets, the drive would sometimes no longer be able to transmit further mailbox messages or crash entirely.
Firmware now correctly handles large SDO Info responses without locking up or crashing.
EIP.PLLMODE was automatically reset to a value of 0 by the drive whenever any assembly connection was closed.
EIP.PLLMODE is now only reset to 0 when a standard or free mapping assembly connection is opened for the first time.
If a read-only keyword was defined in multiple MechaWare models, the data was always read from the first model to define the keyword, even if that model was not active.
Read-only keywords generated by a MechaWare model will now read from the active model that defined them. A configuration warning is triggered if there are multiple active models defining the same read-only keyword.
Home Mode 19 is a special home mode to assist in Gantry Mechanics allowing the second axis to follow the primary axis. In most cases this will be activated automatically.
A few edge cases were identified that did not set the following axis to HOME.MODE 19. This logic has been fixed.
If a user configured cogging compensation with parameters that yielded poor results, the drive would silently allow the user to implement a poor cogging compensation table.
If cogging compensation completes with more than 0.5% empty records, the cogging compensation will complete with a Status 3 - Complete with Missing Data to help the user identify that they may be able to achieve better results with different settings.
Motor & Power Stage
Drive firmware always read the motor temperature from the encoder, if it supported temperature measurement and directly from the feedback connector otherwise, regardless of the setting of AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE.
Firmware now considers the value of AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE when determining how to read motor temperature. For backwards compatibility reasons, the behavior remains unchanged if the default value of 0 is selected. Additionally, a new warning W5006 has been added, which is active if temperature supervision is inactive due to the AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE setting.
Version 02-13-01-000 : August 23, 2024
After changing one of the axis' feedback sources (AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE, AXIS#.VL.FBSOURCE, AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE, AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE) feedback warnings would sometimes no longer be correctly displayed on that axis.
Feedback warnings are now correctly displayed on an axis after changing one of the axis' feedback sources.
The keyword AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET is not cleared when the feedback is changed or when AXIS#.PL.FBSOURCE is changed.
The keyword AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET is now correctly cleared in all situations.
When a fault F4x09 "Feedback Unique Fault 0" was triggered using an EnDat feedback, no further information on the root cause could be gathered from the drive.
The EnDat encoder error bits are now visible in FB#.INFO to help find the root cause of F4x09 faults.
A new warning W4x32 has been added to the firmware, which is triggered when the position of a feedback has moved out of the range of the encoder, and rebooting the drive or reinitializing the feedback would lead to loss of absolute position. The warning is disabled by default, but can be enabled using the keyword FB#.ROLLOVERWEN.
A new keyword FB#.POSLOWPASS was created to set the position low-pass filter feedbacks that support it.
FB#.INFO displays a line that enumerates fault bits corresponding to a feedback sensor fault.
For the Torque Move command type (0x05) with the standard assembly, negative torque values were returning an error.
Negative torque values can be passed in the data segment of the assembly without receiving an error.
For the Position Move (0x06) and Jog (0x07) command types (specifically in velocity mode), both AXIS#.FBUS.V and AXIS#.FBUS.VL.CMD were updated with the target velocity value.
Now, for these command types, only AXIS#.FBUS.V is updated with the velocity value. This now matches our documentation.
Several standard EtherNet/IP AOIs did not execute as documented when AXIS#.CMDSOURCE did not equal to Fieldbus.
The affected standard EtherNet/IP AOIs no longer require AXIS#.CMDSOURCE to equal Fieldbus for proper execution.
Added new EtherCAT Mode of Operation (object 6060h/6860h) -3 for electronic gearing support.
The SFD-M serial number has been added to FB#.INFO. The format of the serial number is as follows: "YYWW-LLLL-SSSS" where YY is the year, WW is the work week, LLLL is the lot number, and SSSS is the serial number.
Pressing the external buttons on the drive after canceling an SD backup (having the 'Canceled' popup open) could potentially crash the drive.
Pressing the external buttons with popups open now does not crash the drive.
If a gantry was configured and each axis had a different dismode and the gantry was configured to enable on boot (AXIS#.ENDEFAULT), the gantry would not enable on boot.
A synchronization bug was identified and fixed. Gantry will now enable successfully regardless of the disable mode.
The drive behaved as if the drive was not connected to the network when pinged from a PC on the service port. This issue was introduced in 02-13-00-000.
The drive now correctly responds to pings from a PC on the service port.
A new keyword MW.CONFIGWEN was added to selectively enable or disable warning W3101 - MechaWare Configuration. By default, MW.CONFIGWEN is set to 0 and the warning is disabled. W3101 is enabled on the first reboot after downloading a new MechaWare model regardless of the value of MW.CONFIGWEN.
Moving a disabled axis while a limit switch (software or hardware) was active would cause a position jump on axis enable.
No position jump occurs on enable in this condition.
If AXIS#.BODE.INJECTPOINT was set to 0 (None) while excitation was in progress, excitation did not stop and the motor ran away.
Setting AXIS#.BODE.INJECTPOINT to 0 (None) while excitation is in progress now stops all excitation and the motor does not run away.
Added new keywords which are 0 by default. When set to 1, the position and the velocity integrator keywords activate the corresponding integrator only when the axis has settled (as defined by AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT.SETTLED).
A new keyword AXIS#.SETTLE.T was added which determines the time in milliseconds the axis has to be in position and velocity windows for the motion to be considered settled.
Tuning a servo takes a few steps. A new feature has been added to streamline the process of getting a system commissioned.
Executing AXIS#.TUNING.QUICKTUNE.START will measure the motor's load inertia and determine a suitable bandwidth and set the tuning gains appropriately. The user can check the value of bandwidth achieved by checking AXIS#.TUNING.BANDWIDTH.
General purpose status bits have been added so a user can determine if AXIS#.PL.FB is close to AXIS#.PL.CMD and if AXIS#.VL.FBFILTER is close to AXIS#.TRAJ.VCMD. These new motion status bits are included in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT as well as exposed individually by the keywords AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT.INPOSITION and AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT.INVELOCITY. AXIS#.SETTLE.P and AXIS#.SETTLE.V are used to set the window size.
Version 02-13-00-000 : June 10, 2024
Action Table
ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE did not load properly from a saved parameter file due to a dependency order conflict.
Adjusted the priorities of the action keywords so the order they are loaded in from parameter files matches their dependency order.
ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE was changing to a seemingly random value when changing ACTION#.SOURCETEXT on the Recordable Parameter source.
When changing ACTION#.SOURCETEXT, ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE is now reset to zero or the minimum limit of ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE if it's greater than zero.
When AXIS#.PL.FILTER.Q was deprecated, the keyword was removed causing older parameter files with this keyword to fail when downloaded via FoE.
A dummy AXIS#.PL.FILTER.Q keyword was added and older parameter files no longer fail when downloaded via FoE.
Checksums for packets sent by the drive over EoE were not calculated correctly, effectively breaking EoE connectivity.
Checksums for packets sent by the drive over EoE are now calculated correctly allowing proper EoE connections.
Dummy objects, such as CoE object 500Ch sub 10h, used to produce "Subindex does not exist" abort codes if read from or written to.
Dummy objects no longer produce errors if read or written. The read value is always 0, and the written value is ignored.
EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.SYSTEMTIME and EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.P, the time and position data, respectively, received from the PLC, were not recordable.
EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.SYSTEMTIME and EIP.ASY105.AXIS#.P are now recordable. Users can now use these keywords to compare the PLC data to the post-interpolated position data.
Functional Safety
Reading a non-64 bit signed safety parameter that had a negative value would return the unsigned value instead.
Non-64 bit signed safety parameters now return the correct values.
Some applications with high viscous loads might find they cannot increase IL.KVFF enough before hitting the keyword maximum.
The range of AXIS#.IL.KVFF has been increased to 1,000,000.
Under certain conditions, triggering a motion task while another task was already running caused the velocity command to immediately jump up to a velocity higher than either task's target velocity. This happened when the second task's target velocity was lower than that of the first task, and it was triggered close to its target position.
The firmware has been updated to correctly calculate the trajectory from a motion task's parameters when it is triggered with another task already running.
Motor & Power Stage
VBUS.OVFTHRESH was allowed to be writable sometimes.
VBUS.OVFTHRESH is now read-only.
Version 02-12-02-000 : May 13, 2024
Action Table
The range displayed on the help for ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE was not matching the allowed range on the keyword it was checking against.
The range of ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE has been fixed.
Action Table would not allow a non-zero value to write to AXIS#.MT.P and would throw an Action Table error and a Drive warning.
Data is now correctly handled and successfully writes to the Motion Task Position value specified in the command buffer.
Four new conditions were added to the Action Table: Absolute Less Than (13), Absolute Greater Than (14), Absolute Rises Above Threshold (15), Absolute Falls Below Threshold (16). These are the absolute counterparts to conditions Less Than (3), Greater Than (4), Rises Above Threshold (7), and Falls Below Threshold (8), respectively. Since they only look at the absolute value of the source and condition values, the absolute conditions enable a comparison between the source and both the positive and negative condition values.
A new Action Source has been added which is similar to Ready to Operate with the addition of AXIS#.DISSOURCES to indicate if the axis can be enabled in its current state.
The LCD display interface has a new menu screen "Quick Links" with QR codes to the WebHelp home page and faults page.
Display/SD Card
The drive crashed when attempting to navigate away from the SD card restore screen when an SD card error occurred.
The drive no longer crashes when navigating away from the restore screen when an SD card error occurred.
When selecting the sensorless or V/f open loop induction MOTOR.TYPE's, an unclearable SFA communication fault was emitted even if the feedback type was not SFA or None.
The drive no longer emits an unclearable SFA communication fault when selecting a sensorless or V/f open loop induction MOTOR.TYPE when the feedback type is not SFA or None.
When the Gurley SSI encoder was initialized on the upper half of the absolute scale, an incorrect negative position was reported.
The feedback position is now accurately reported when a Gurley SSI encoder is initialized on the upper half of the absolute scale.
The Hiperface DSL specification was changed, so that certain configuration data can now be stored in a different location. The drive failed initializing encoders that made use of that new location, because it failed accessing the data in the old location.
The firmware has been changed to consider both locations when trying to access configuration data.
The CANopen objects 0x3000 sub12 and sub13 (DISPLAY.MONITOR.LABEL and DISPLAY.MONITOR.VALUE, respectively) were implemented incorrectly as string objects instead of array objects.
The objects DISPLAY.MONITOR.LABEL and DISPLAY.MONITOR.VALUE have been assigned to indexes 0x3016 and 0x3017, respectively and are now properly implemented as array objects.
Setting the Home Start bit in the CipSync control word while in the Quick Stop Active state (or any state other than Operation Enabled) set the home position to the current position, even if the axis was enabled.
This issue was resolved and the functionality of setting the home position to the current position (if homing was requested and the state machine was not in Operation Enabled state) has been removed. If this functionality is still desired, an explicit message bound to the AXIS#.HOME.SET command or the homing mode 0 (Current Position) can be used instead.
Using a value of for EIP.IPGATEWAY meant that the configuration would not be loaded properly on reboot.
The configuration would be loaded properly after reboot regardless of values.
EtherNetIp assembly status keywords had stale data persist even after the connection was closed.
EtherNetIp assembly status keywords are now cleared to 0 when a connection is closed.
Dummy CoE objects 500Ch sub10h and 500Ch sub10h were incorrectly implemented as read-only instead of read-write, which broke backward compatibility.
Dummy objects 500Ch sub10h and 510Ch sub10h now implemented as read-write objects, fixing backward compatibility.
Big velocity jumps after switch from DS402 Homing mode to Cyclic Synchronous Position mode.
Measure implemented to reduce effect. Main part is coming from NC-implementation of mode switch.
AXIS#.VL.ERR was not PDO mappable.
AXIS#.VL.ERR was made Tx PDO mappable.
Multiple command array objects (e.g. AXIS#.MT.MOVE) were formatted incorrectly in the object list.
All command array objects are now listed with the correct format.
Safety-PDO definition had one object with different sub-indices, which must be in the ascending order.
Issue has been fixed. Also changed BOOL to BIT in Safety PDO's. Not possible to change WORD and BYTE to UINT and USINT because they are in the EtherCAT specs (some MainDevice vendors have problems with that).
DS402 objects 6062h/6862h, "Position Demand Value - Axis #", have been added to the object dictionary. This is a read-only object that gives the ability to read (via PDO) the scaled position command.
Functional Safety
If the drive and the SMM firmware use different versions of the safety parameters, a warning W9016 is generated. After a restart, the drive firmware adapts to the safety parameter version of the SMM.
To Turn off a first or second order lowpass filter the user should set the frequency to zero. A bug was found that prevented the user from setting the frequency below 5Hz, meaning the user could not turn off the biquad.
The limit has been fixed and the biquad is now at unity gain when the frequency is set to 0Hz.
If AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 21 (which specifies that the actual drive position is within the target position in homing) was already set before initiating a home, it would not be cleared at the start of the homing sequence.
AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 21 is now properly cleared at the start of homing.
When changing the motor type from Sensorless to Normal commutation and re-energizing the motor, the motor speed becomes uncontrollably high.
The motor behaves normally when changing the type from Sensorless to Normal commutation.
When a homing procedure found the home position while the motor was moving, and AXIS#.VL.KVFF was not set to 1, the velocity command momentarily jumped up (AXIS#.VL.KVFF < 1) or down (AXIS#.VL.KVFF > 1).
Finding the home position while the motor is moving no longer causes a jump in velocity command, regardless of the value in AXIS#.VL.KVFF.
Motion tasks were not triggered by the action table while AXIS#.CMDSOURCE was set to "Fieldbus" even if the drive was following an internal trajectory at the time of the trigger.
Motion tasks triggered by the action table while AXIS#.CMDSOURCE is set to "Fieldbus" are allowed as long as the drive is already following an internal trajectory.
The original placement of AXIS#.VL.KVFF gain had an unintended interaction of scaling AXIS#.IL.KACCFF and AXIS#.IL.KVFF.
AXIS#.VL.KVFF has been moved to operate independently of AXIS#.IL.KACCFF and AXIS#.IL.KVFF
AXIS#.VL.INTOUTMAX (amps) has been added to the firmware. This limits the velocity loop integrators saturation limit.
Version 02-12-01-000 : December 14, 2023
This new screen allows user to display and monitor up to six keyword values of their choice on the LCD display. This screen can be navigated to through the menu screen. Use the new keywords DISPLAY.MONITOR.LABEL and DISPLAY.MONITOR.VALUE to set your monitor labels and keywords, respectively.
When using a linear EnDat or Hiperface encoder with an SFA, the position was not scaled correctly.
The firmware was changed to correctly scale positions read from linear EnDat and Hiperface encoders used with an SFA.
Readings from the POSITAL IXARC SSI feedback were jumpy and unreliable.
FB#.SSIBAUD was added to allow a configurable clock rate for SSI encoders, which resolved the issues with the POSITAL encoder by setting to 1,750,000.
Both BiSS-B Digital and BiSS-B Digital over SFA feedback types are now supported. BiSS-B Digital can be configured by setting FB#.SELECT to [35]. If you wish to use BiSS-B Digital over SFA set FB#.SELECT to [135].
If quick stop option code (605Ah/685Ah) was set to 5 or 6 and a quick stop was activated, changing quick stop option code afterward could cause the controlled stop disable source to never cease.
Changing quick stop option code (605Ah/685Ah) no longer allowed for the erroneous condition.
Unless an axis was configured for the Fieldbus command source, dynamic mapped keywords that triggered homing would not home.
All dynamic mapped keywords functioned properly in Service command source, but would no longer function if the axis was in Fieldbus command source.
If AXIS#.EIP.QUICKSTOPACTION was set to 5 or 6 and a quick stop was activated, changing AXIS#.EIP.QUICKSTOPACTION afterward could cause the controlled stop disable source to never cease.
Changing AXIS#.EIP.QUICKSTOPACTION no longer allowed for the erroneous condition.
If PTP, the time synchronization protocol that enables CIP Sync, was disabled then the drive did not automatically enable it.
The drive automatically enabled the PTP time synchronization.
The option for Surface Permanent Magnet (SPM) motor with sensorless control (10) had been removed temporarily from the AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE keyword.
The option for Surface Mount Permanent Magnet (SPM) motor with sensorless control (10) has been added to the AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE keyword.
A bug was introduced that broke the Analog Input and Analog Output blocks.
Runtime logic has been fixed
If an axis using an absolute feedback was homed by enabling the axis with AXIS#.HOME.AUTOMOVE set to 1, some functions that required the axis to be homed were not working correctly, even though AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT showed the axis was successfully homed. The affected functions were starting a cogging compensation teach move and synchronized operation of two axis in a gantry setup.
Homing an axis using an absolute feedback by enabling the axis with AXIS#.HOME.AUTOMOVE set to 1 now correctly enables functions requiring the axis to be homed.
Version 02-12-00-001 : November 17, 2023
Motor & Power Stage
The option for Surface Permanent Magnet (SPM) motor with sensorless control (10) has been temporarily removed from the AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE Keyword.
Note: After installing this version of firmware it will not be possible to revert back to previous versions of firmware.
Version 02-12-00-000 : October 16, 2023
Action Table
When a homing mode using the feedback's index pulse was configured, and the feedback device was connected through an SFA, starting a homing from an action lead to the drive crashing.
The drive no longer crashes when starting a homing from an action, with a homing mode configured to use the feedback's index pulse, and the feedback device connected through an SFA.
Analog & Digital IO
There was a problem with Home Mode 11 that prevented using the mode with an SFA on axis 1 (X1).
Home Mode 11 worked with SFA on either axis (X1 or X2).
Immediately after the first initialization of some Hiperface DSL encoder models, the drive was showing a fault F4x09, even though the encoder was working correctly.
Firmware no longer triggers an invalid F4x09 after the first initialization of Hiperface DSL encoders.
If an EnDat Analog encoder was not used to close an axis' control loop, the firmware used an incorrect scaling for the absolute position, that is read during initialization of the encoder. Absolute position was therefore not consistent across reinitialization of the feedback or rebooting the drive.
The firmware now correctly scales the absolute position of an EnDat Analog encoder, even when it's not used to close one of the drive's control loops.
After SFA#.UPDATE command is executed, homing status was retained always.
After SFA#.UPDATE command is executed, homing status is now cleared or restored based on the configuration of the drive and is now similar to the behavior when the drive is power-cycled.
The user could not set a static IP address on the EtherNet/IP fieldbus port as long as the cable as disconnected.
When the user tried to set the EtherNet/IP fieldbus port IP address (EIP.IPRESET), a message was displayed indicating that the settings could not be applied immediately, but that they would be applied when the cable was reconnected. The settings could be applied after power cycle as well.
The drive crashed when sending PDO 1026h sub 1
The drive does not crash when sending PDO 1026h sub 1
When the NetX firmware was upgraded, the IP settings of the user in the NetX remanent data would be lost.
User IP settings persisted through NetX firmware upgrades.
When Op Mode and Command Source are not Position and Fieldbus respectively, the drive would not home when the Home Start and Home Mode bits were toggled at the same time.
Independent of Op Mode and Command Source, the drive did home when the Home Start and Home Mode bits were toggled at the same time.
When a new program was downloaded to a PLC connected to an EtherNetIp drive, both axes would fault with code 7005.
Axes no longer fault when downloading to a connected PLC.
A new keyword AXIS#.EIP.QUICKSTOP was created to allow for configuring the quick stop action executed by CIP Sync.
Touch probe capability is now implemented for EtherNetIp drives. The following keywords are now accessible via WorkBench terminal, explicit messaging, and mapping in any dynamic assemblies.
When the compare source is AXIS#.PL.FB and the home offset is restored on a power-cycle, the compare engine will not operate correctly.
The compare engine will now operate correctly when the source is AXIS#.PL.FB and a home offset is restored on a power-cycle.
With cogging compensation configured with modulo enabled, doing a teach move did not create a compensation table if the axis' feedback position during the move was negative.
The cogging compensation teach move now correctly handles negative position values.
DRV.TEMPFTHRESH and DRV.TEMPWTHRESH reported temperature threshold values that were different than the drive's programming. Faults and warnings triggered at the correct temperatures, only the output of these parameters was incorrect.
Now correctly report temperature threshold values that are in agreement with the drive's programming.
AKD2G now supports using the Compare Engine to act both as a pre-condition (PreSelect) and a trigger for Capture.
A bug was found with homing and resetting the axis position while in motion and using the position command filter.
The filter has been changed out with a better filter for motion as well as fixing the reset logic to properly zero while in motion. AXIS#.PL.FILTER.Q has been deprecated and no longer used by the drive.
This new limit affects AXIS#.HOME.OFFSETUSER. If HOME.OFFSETUSER is set above/below the new AXIS#.HOME.OFFSETUSERLIMIT an error will be returned.
Version 02-11-03-000 : August 30, 2023
Action Table
Condition Values when condition was feedback current were shown with wrong values.
Condition Values when condition was feedback current are now shown as entered.
Analog & Digital IO
The drive can now output a PWM signal on its bidirectional digital IOs. A DIO can be used as a PWM output by setting DIO#.SOURCE to 6. New commands PWM1.PERIOD and PWM1.DUTYCYCLE can then configure the PWM signal.
When rebooting with FB#.SELECT set to 1 (None), and then selecting a valid feedback, the drive sometimes faulted with F5#05 (Motor Parameters Setup Incomplete).
Selecting a valid feedback after rebooting with FB#.SELECT set to 1 (None), now consistently succeeds without any fault.
The SFD feedbacks (generation 2 and 3) failed to identify even if there are faults unrelated to identifying the feedback.
The SFD feedbacks (generation 2 and 3) are now correctly identified by the drive if there are faults not related to feedback identification.
The calculated thermistor resistance for SFD was wrong.
The thermistor resistance for SFD is correctly calculated.
Configuring EtherNet/IP IP address mode using EIP.IPMODE from static to DHCP failed and would prevent an IP from being found until the cable was disconnected and reconnected or the drive was rebooted. Additionally, trying to configure a static IP address after DHCP had been configured would fail on the first try.
The EtherNet/IP IP settings could be configured properly as long as the cable was plugged into the fieldbus port.
When the EtherNet/Ip connection was active, the drive's command source would be forced to Fieldbus with no way of switching it back to Service.
The drive's command source can now be set to Service while the EtherNet/Ip connection is active.
CMP#.SOURCEVAL displayed the feedback position without the home offset.
CMP#.SOURCEVAL now correctly displays feedback position with the home offset.
When setting IP.MODE = 1 (Static IP address) and then setting IP.ADDRESS to the new address, the IP address reverts to the original address.
The IP.ADDRESS setting is retained and does not revert to the original address.
The menu items of the display's TCP/IP screen appeared in the wrong order.
The menu items of the TCP/IP screen are now ordered correctly.
After a brake fault was detected, the brake was immediately applied by the drive. If a brake was forced to be released by setting AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKECONTROL to 2 when a brake fault happened, the brake was immediately released again, when the fault was cleared.
Clearing a brake fault now disables the brake override of the axis controlling that brake by setting AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKECONTROL to 0.
The Kollmorgen UDP protocol, KUP, has a new parameter to select an alternative character sequence in the requests to and responses from the AKD2G drive. This allow a comma to separate parameters instead of the \r\n for the requests and \r\n--> for responses.
Version 02-11-02-001 : August 11, 2023
The home attained bit of the status word would not change when the axis was rehomed.
The home attained bit of the status word is now cleared for at least 4 stream periods upon rehoming.
In a recent beta, AXIS#.EIP.STREAMPERIOD was set automatically on connection to the controller and was therefore read-only.
AXIS#.EIP.STREAMPERIOD was made writable since it needed to be set to a value other than the drive-controller RPI packet interval. The value is also no longer automatically set on connection the controller.
The previous CIP Sync assemblies were spread out and did not include any dynamic mappable space.
CIP Sync assemblies now include a dynamic mapping area, which can be accessed via the EIP.ASY105/6.MAP2 keywords.
Version 02-11-02-000 : July 31, 2023
Action Table
If an Action row with an Analog-Output Task and User-Variable Source is activated, it fails.
Action Row activation of Analog-Output Task and User-Variable Source succeeds.
FB#.IDENTIFIED and FB#.LASTIDENTIFIED are set during the Auto-Identify process before the feedback identification process is complete.
FB#.IDENTIFIED and FB#.LASTIDENTIFIED are set only after a feedback is correctly identified at the end of the Auto-Identify process.
FB#.LASTIDENTIFIED is, by default, 1 (No Feedback)
When streaming positions over EtherNet/IP CIP Sync with limit switches configured, the axis wouldn't stop motion upon reaching the limit.
Motion is now correctly stopped at limit switches when streaming positions over EtherNet/IP CIP Sync.
A new fault was added (F7018) for EtherNet/IP that indicates when the CIP Sync position command received from the controller was late. The timestamp portion of any position command must be greater than the timestamp of the previous command or the drive will fault.
Version 02-11-01-001 : July 25, 2023
If the number of periods of a linear Hiperface encoder's analog signal per motor pole pitch was not a power of two, the absolute feedback position was not initialized correctly and was inconsistent when the feedback was re-initialized.
Firmware has been changed to correctly initialize a linear Hiperface encoder's absolute position, even when the number of periods of the encoder's analog position per motor pole pitch was not a power of two.
Version 02-11-01-000 : July 11, 2023
Homing offset and MotionStat bits 1 and 2 were not getting restored on reboot for multi turn feedbacks
Homing state is correctly restored on reboot for multi turn feedbacks.
When a feedback associated with an axis is not initialized, an axis cannot be enabled. No Disable Source bit indicates when this situation occurs.
A new FEEDBACK bit was added as an Axis Disable Source (DISSOURCES) to indicate when an axis was disabled because the associated axis feedback was not initialized.
Existing AXIS#.EIP.OBJECTLIST keywords only return user mappable objects. Some command objects are missing.
AXIS#.EIP.OBJECTLIST keywords have been merged into a single EIP.OBJECTLIST keyword. All objects supported by EIP are now listed. User mappable keywords are denoted by an attribute integer.
Previous implementation of fixed and dynamic maps was confusing and hard to maintain. Associated map keyword layout needed to be revised.
Firmware was refactored to use new map implementation. The following keywords were updated:
Before this change, the Modbus watchdog started on any received Modbus packet.
The watchdog has been modified to only start once the drive receives a valid Modbus packet (ie. a Modbus packet that does not produce an error response).
Location of current keywords does not reflect well on the different available connections with the addition of Cip Sync.
Previous EIP keywords related to the different EtherNetIp connections have been moved under their own respective groups.
The units for AXIS#.MOTOR.KT, AXIS#.LOAD.INERTIA and AXIS#.MOTOR.VMAX were always the same for both axes even if one axis was rotary and the other was linear.
The units for these parameters now correctly use AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE.
Compare Engine was not triggering reliably around position values.
Compare Engine triggers as expected on position values.
Some indices in AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET returned "Data Invalid" when attempting to clear the associated entry.
The "Data Invalid" error is caught properly and no longer thrown when clearing entries 1, 2, 22, and 23 of AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET
KUP is an ASCII protocol for sending commands to the drive. The commands that you can send to the drive are the same ASCII commands that telnet and WorkBench use but using UDP packets instead of TCP packets. The drive will respond with the value as an ASCII string if reading a parameter, or the string "OK". The protocol is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the KUP.PORT parameter to a non-zero port number.
Version 02-11-00-000 : June 28, 2023
Version 02-10-06-001 : June 14, 2023
Version 02-10-06-000 : June 5, 2023
Analog & Digital IO
When capturing an axis position with CAP#.P, the position was incorrect. This error increased as the speed of the axis increased. This issue also affected the accuracy of the captured EtherCAT touch probe positions. There is no error with the position when capturing the feedback position, with CAP#.SOURCE 1 to 5.
The error in the captured position has been removed.
When capturing a position from and SFA with CAP#.P, the position was incorrect. This issue also affected the accuracy of the captured EtherCAT touch probe positions.
The error in the captured position has been removed.
The signal AXIS#.MT.VCMD displayed a discontinuity at the start of a controlled stop action (regardless of source).
This signal is now correctly displayed and does not contain a discontinuity.
Version 02-10-05-001 : May 15, 2023
Synchronization error counts were not cleared when the network was transitioning from SAFE-OP to OP.
Synchronization error counts are cleared on transition from SAFE-OP to OP.
The range for AXIS#.IL.KACCFF was too small to allow for some larger machines.
The max range has been changed from 1,000 to 10,000 to allow expanded functionality for larger machines.
Version 02-10-05-000 : April 28, 2023
Action Table
Setting ACTION#.TASK to 27 ("Set Axis Command-Source and Op-Mode") made it impossible to set ACTION#.TASKPARAM through the action table in WorkBench for any other task.
The firmware was fixed so that ACTION#.TASKPARAM could be changed via the action table in WorkBench.
When using ACTION#.TASK 31 (Set User Variable Bits, Continuous) if ACTION#.TASKPARAM was negative then USER.INT# never changed.
Negative values given to ACTION#.TASKPARAM were correctly applied to the USER.INT#.
When feedback scaling was changed after the feedback was already initialized, e.g. when changing AXIS#.MOTOR.PITCH, the position was not properly re-scaled. This meant, the absolute feedback position changed the next time the feedback was initialized.
The firmware has been changed to re-scale the position when the scaling of an absolute feedback device changes.
When setting hall mappings using keywords FB#.HALLMAP.U/V/W, and a fault occurred, then the hall mappings would revert to the default values on clear faults.
The hall mapping values are retained after clearing faults
After moving a motor with a Hiperface feedback device, reinitializing the feedback could result in a position error.
The Hiperface initial position calculation has been fixed.
Firmware was not calculating the correct resolution from linear Hiperface DSL encoders' electronic type labels.
Firmware now determines whether a connected Hiperface DSL encoder is rotary or linear and calculates the correct resolution from linear Hiperface DSL encoders' electronic type labels. FB#.MECHTYPE, FB#.PRES, FB#.RES, FB#.LINEPITCH will all be set to the correct values automatically.
Reading MW.MODEL#.NAME or MW.MODEL#.VERSION via EtherCAT SDO caused "Internal firmware error" if the model slot was empty.
MW.MODEL#.NAME and MW.MODEL#.VERSION returned an empty string, both when accessed from telnet and EtherCAT SDO.
It was discovered that the position command in the EIP response assembly was not affected by drive modulo settings.
The position command in the EIP response assembly was changed to follow drive modulo settings.
When using the PROFINET reduced speed setpoint channel (PNU 930 = 3) the drive is not supposed to limit acceleration and deceleration on the speed setpoints. The drive was limiting acceleration and deceleration with AXIS#.FBUS.ACC/DEC anyway.
The drive no longer limits acceleration and deceleration on speed setpoints from a PROFINET controller if the reduced speed setpoint channel is configured.
During Wake and Shake the drive temporarily switches to command source service, which resulted in the "Control Requested" bit in ZSW1 going low, to indicate to the PLC, that it is not in control of the axis. PLCs reacted to this by disabling the axis, often before Wake and Shake was finished, which caused subsequent attempts at enabling the axis to fail for the same reason.
While Wake and Shake is running, the firmware will now keep the "Control Requested" bit in ZSW1 high and the PROFIdrive state machine in state "S3: Switched On".
When commanding velocity moves from PROFINET, the velocity command would ramp the velocity command along the FBUS.ACC trajectory until it reached the target velocity and then hold the velocity until the next setpoint. Current spikes would result due to the stepping/holding of velocity command when the next setpoint was received.
The velocity command is now interpolated in the drive across the fieldbus update rate. The drive will gradually ramp the velocity command to reach the velocity target at the end of the fieldbus update rate, at which a new command will be received. This provides a smoother velocity command response and results in not having current spikes along the trajectory.
AXIS#.FAULT6004.ACTION, AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION, and AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION only supported the Disable Amplifier (0) or Ignore (1) actions.
AXIS#.FAULT6004.ACTION, AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION, and AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION could be set to any value between 0 and 4. Value 1 ignores the faults. Value 4 generates a warning. Values 0, 2, and 3 specify how the drive should react to the fault. See http://webhelp.kollmorgen.com/AKD2G/English/Content/AKD2G%20Commands/AXISx.FAULT6004/AXISx.FAULT6004.ACTION.htm, http://spec.kollmorgen.com/webhelp/akd2g/Content/AKD2G%20Commands/AXISx.FAULT.ACTION/AXISx.FAULT7015.ACTION.htm, or http://spec.kollmorgen.com/webhelp/akd2g/Content/AKD2G%20Commands/AXISx.FAULT.ACTION/AXISx.FAULT7016.ACTION.htm for details.
Functional Safety
A new warning (9015) was added to warn users who are running SMM and drive firmware versions that were not certified to work together.
When the comparator/relational block was loaded, it would fail to parse and the model would not load.
The block comparator/relational block parsing logic has been corrected.
If a feedback fault occurred during a motion task, after clearing the fault, the next motion task would resume immediately at the previous speed.
The fault handling logic has been fixed to clear out the previous trajectory.
The AKD2G had a velocity limit of +/- 15,000 RPM.
The motion limits have been raised to +/- 30,000 RPM.
Motor & Power Stage
If an axis was configured for sensorless operation (AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE = 10) and the commutation source for the axis (AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE) was set to a valid feedback, then the sensorless algorithm failed due to a conflict between the feedback position and the sensorless position estimate.
The axis commutation source (AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE) is now correctly ignored in sensorless mode (AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE = 10).
It was found in testing that the voltage output with AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE set to induction motor open loop was half of the intended value.
The voltage output was updated to match expectations.
Version 02-10-04-000 : January 3, 2023
Action Table
A new ACTION#.TASK (31) was added. The task sets or clears bits in a user variable (eg. USER.INT1) continuously based on the source and a bitmask provided by ACTION#.TASKPARAM.
Occasionally the EtherNet/IP cyclic assembly data would go stale and stop updating. Only a reboot would get the cyclic data updating again.
A timing issue was fixed in the drive firmware to prevent cyclic data from stopping updates.
Using the prior EIP.PROFUNIT scaling would allow any value 1 to 2^32-1, but required using powers of 2 to prevent accumulation/rounding errors.
EIP.PROFUNIT is now deprecated and EIP.VUNIT.IN/OUT were added. Any ratio can be entered into the IN/OUT values and error will not accumulate. Existing applications that use EIP.PROFUNIT will upgrade correctly and set IN/OUT based on the stored PROFUNIT value. See help for more details.
Two new faults were added: fault 7015 and fault 7016. They are both disabled by default to not break existing applications. If enabled, fault 7015 is triggered when the fieldbus commands a velocity that is lower than the velocity limit (AXIS#.VL.LIMITN). Fault 7016 is triggered by a fieldbus command that is higher than the velocity limit (AXIS#.VL.LIMITP). Additionally, two keywords were added to enable or disable faults: AXIS#.FAULT7015.ACTION and AXIS#.FAULT7016.ACTION.
IP.RESET was added to the CANOpen dictionary at index 3013h sub-index 7 to be available via CAN and EtherCAT.
Fault 7005 'cyclic setpoints missing' has been added for EtherNetIP. A counter will increment by 3 on every missed cyclic packet and decrements by 1 on every received packet. By default, if the counter reaches 9 then the drive will fault. The tolerance can be adjusted with EIP.PACKETMISSTHRESHOLD and the current counter value can be read or recorded with EIP.MISSEDPACKETS.
Some applications required smaller and less advanced IO assemblies than standard applications. New assemblies 103 (consuming) and 104 (producing) were added to allow a fully dynamic mapping from 1 byte to 32 bytes in size. The Kollmorgen provided AOIs will not work with these mappings. Instead, the application must interact directly with the IO and configure the mapping with AXIS#.EIP.DYNAMICCMDMAP and AXIS#.EIP.DYNAMICRSPMAP parameters.
On single axis drives with the X5 connector, X2.MODE was incorrectly used instead of X5.MODE.
The drive firmware was updated to properly create X5.MODE
Loop timing fault 3008 was set to trigger at about 75% of 16kHz total interrupt period.
The loop timing fault was configured to trigger at 50% of 16kHz interrupt period. Additionally, the DRV.FAULT3008.ACTION keyword was added to disable this fault. Keyword DRV.CPUPERCENT was added so users can monitor drive load. Users should expect fault 3008 to trigger when DRV.CPUPERCENT exceeds 50%.
If a gantry was setup and homed, then disabled and re-enabled. If homing was issued again after enabling only Axis 1 would move to the home position and Axis 2 would remain still.
Both axes 1 nd 2 now move when homing is requested.
Version 02-10-03-000 : November 17, 2022
Action Table
The Action Table Motion Task Feedrate task (task 20) appeared to automatically configure the action source to a usable value. However, trying to activate the action resulted in an error (Action table configuration invalid).
The Motion Task Feedrate task no longer misrepresents the action source configuration. The user must explicitly set the source, after which the action can be activated.
Action table task 29 (Motion Task Select Bit, Continuous) incremented ACTION#.RUNCOUNT even though it was a continuous task.
ACTION#.RUNCOUNT correctly showed 0 for task 29.
With no feedback connected, certain analog feedback selections would sometimes indicate they could be identified.
Drive firmware was updated to consistently report fault F4x15 'Failed to set feedback type' when no feedback is present.
Absolute linear feedbacks did not initialize with the correct absolute position value when FB#.INITSIGNED is set to the default of 1.
Signed positions have been disabled with linear feedbacks and are always treated as unsigned.
AKD2G can now retain the homed position of a single turn absolute feedback within a single rev similar to homing mode 17 on AKD.
Once FB#.SINGLETURNMODE is to 1 to enable this feature and the axis is homed, the drive will restart with the home position set.
Note that by default, enabling this will only home within one rev. Modulo should be enabled and the range set to one revolution for this mode to show the position correctly on reboots. Alternatively, the FB#.STOREMULTITURN feature can be used to enable absolute multi-turn like behavior and retain the multi-turn absolute homed position across reboots.
If neither modulo nor store multi-turn are enabled and the feedback has been moved multiple revs before homing, the position restored will be multiple revs away on a reboot due to the absolute single turn feedback only restoring a single turn position while the homing offset will include the multi turn information.
FB#.SCALED.ZERO was added to give the user an easy way to set FB#.SCALED.P to 0. The keyword works by setting FB.SCALED.OFFSET to the negative value of FB#.SCALED.P before it was zeroed.
This keyword updates the selected SFA to the latest firmware version that is packaged with the currently installed drive firmware.
Note: The SFA firmware download may take up to 30 seconds to complete.
SFA#.INFO and DRV.INFO were updated to include the currently installed SFA fpga version and the available fpga version to download via SFA#.UPDATE.
Two issues were seen:
1. In SafeOp and Op-state the cycle time must not be changed.
2. Wrong values for the cycle time seemed to be accepted (no abort message), but not applied internally.
Writing these objects in communication state SafeOp and Op is prohibited.
Abort messages are
created when an illegal combination of subindex 1 and 2 was written.
Both have to be written.
A bug in the fieldbus interpolator would cause AXIS#.IL.CMDACC to have the wrong value and was not scaled correctly for the fieldbus cyclic rate.
The interpolator was fixed.
Using the prior EIP.POSUNIT scaling would allow any value 1 to 2^32-1, but if relative moves were commanded, error would accumulate and positions would be off unless powers of 2 were used.
EIP.POSUNIT is now deprecated and EIP.PUNIT.PIN/POUT were added. Any ratio can be entered into the PIN/POUT values and error will not accumulate. Existing applications that use EIP.POSUNIT will upgrade correctly and set PIN/POUT based on the stored POSUNIT value. See help for more details.
A new command PROFINET.RESET has been implemented. When executed, it resets the Profinet Name of Station and the Profinet interface's IP settings, including across a reboot. The command can also be executed through the Fieldbus menu of the drive's display.
Functional Safety
The error returned when an incorrect safe ID was used to validate safety parameters was "SMM parameter does not exist".
The new error returned with an incorrect safe ID entered was "Data value is invalid."
Faults and warnings generated on the gearing feedback source could not be cleared after switching the command source from Electronic Gearing mode
Faults and warnings on the gearing feedback source are now clearable when you switch the command source from Electronic Gearing mode.
Trying to assign any value to AXIS#.IL.COMPTABLE.DATA entries resulted in an "Error: [0004] Argument greater than maximum" message on HV24 drives.
AXIS#IL.COMPATABLE.DATA has been changed to not generate an error if the value is within the expected range.
If a gantry was brought up with GANTRY.HOME.REQUIRED = 0, when the gantry is disabled, the two axes can drift. The next time the amp was enabled, the drift would be maintained instead of the gantry coming back to its state before the amplifier disabled.
After re-enabling, the gantry will maintain the previous established home configuration.
If a MechaWare model was loaded with no blocks, the drive would not boot.
The bug preventing correct operation has been fixed.
Prior to this change, the disable bits (ie: STO, HW enable, controlled stop) were not synchronized across axes when using Gantry. A hardware disable on axis 2 would not disable either axis.
Disable bits are now correctly synchronized so that an STO, hardware disable, etc. on either axis will cause a disable on both axes when using Gantry.
If the emergency timeout was disabled (ie. setting AXIS#.DISTO to zero), and the motor was in an uncontrollable state (ie unstable tuning). The drive would attempt a controlled stop but the axis would never be stationary for sufficient time to complete and disable.
The emergency timeout can no longer be disabled (AXIS#.DISTO). The minimum timout setting is 1 ms and the maximum is 120,000 ms.
If the emergency timeout was previously saved as 0ms, it will be restored to the maximum of 120,000 ms.
If an axis is in velocity mode and performing a jog motion into a limit switch. Motion would pause when the limit switch is hit, but continue to move when the limit switch was cleared.
Jog motion now clears when a limit switch is hit in all modes. Motion will not automatically start after the limit switch is cleared.
If an axis was in current saturation and one of the integrators was in use (AXIS#.PL.KI or AXIS#.VL.KI) if the error direction changed while in saturation the integrator would be zeroed - causing a noticeable discontinuity in AXIS#.IL.CMD
The integrator behavior has changed to decay when the direction changes instead of immediately discharge creating a smooth transition between directions.
Motor & Power Stage
Faults 2001 (Drive Foldback), 2017 (Motor Foldback), and 2018 (Broken Wire Connection to Motor) were not being reported under their respective fault conditions. The missing faults prevented effective monitoring and troubleshooting. For foldback, the current limits were still enforced, and the default drive settings disabled the faults. For broken wire, losing a motor phase would prevent the drive from achieving commanded motion and would typically result in a motion related fault.
Faults 2001, 2017, and 2018 are now reported correctly.
Version 02-10-02-000 : September 21, 2022
The DRV.INFO and SFA#.INFO commands only listed the operational FPGA version for SFAs.
DRV.INFO and SFA#.INFO were updated to list the fallback FPGA version.
After being homed once, absolute multi-turn rotary encoders could start-up already homed, but absolute linear encoders could not.
The drive firmware was updated to permit absolute linear encoders to start-up homed.
When running certain homing modes that moved after finding a reference position, such as Mode 2 "Find limit swithc then find zero angle", the position command would jump when switching back to cyclic synchronous position mode for one fieldbus cycle.
The internal fieldbus position command now follows the position command for the entire homing move. As long as the external fieldbus position command matches upon switching into cyclic position mode, there will be no jump.
In case the following error became larger than half a revolution an overflow happened in the PROFINET DSC calculation, which lead to the axis moving in the direction opposite to what was commanded by the master.
The PROFINET DSC calculation has been fixed to work correctly with position errors greater than half a revolution.
The minimum mailbox size of 40 bytes mentioned in ESI-files and emulated EEProm was not sufficient for the InitCmd for setup of EoE(Ethernet over EtherCAT).
The minimum mailbox size was now set to 68 bytes, which is sufficient for all InitCmds.
PNUs for command type keywords (i.e.: AXIS#.HOME.MOVE) could not be read. Certain Siemens PLC blocks for writing parameters always read a PNU before writing it, which made it impossible execute command type keywords with these blocks.
PNUs for command type keywords can now be read. The value read will always be 0.
The warning W7011 was thrown when the SM2 event (Rx-PDO) came prior to send out of the Tx-PDO (SM3). Two counters were implemented to count synchronizations events. One for situation where the cyclic events come earlier then they should, one for missing SM2 events in the cycle time. With each error event an internal counter is increased by three, with a correct update the counter is decreased by one. If a limit is overrun a fault F7011 is created afterwards.
When running firmware from an SD card and downloading firmware from WorkBench, the drive will reboot back into the SD firmware instead of the newly downloaded firmware.
The drive firmware was updated so that if a reboot without power cycle occurs from the SD card firmware, it will boot up from firmware stored in the drive, not from the SD card.
A number of fault reactions were to disable the power stage or dynamic brake when it was unnecessary.
These fault reactions were changed to controlled stops.
A performance fault has been implemented to protect the user from overloading the drive with customizable features and MechaWare.
Version 02-10-01-002 : September 16, 2022
Version 02-10-01-001 : September 8, 2022
After hitting a limit switch and it remaining active, if a home to current position (mode 0) is executed, the motor will jump/runaway.
The position command was updated to align with the feedback position correctly when running home mode 0 while a limit switch is active.
Motor & Power Stage
With reversed axis motion (AXIS#.DIR = 1) the user current limits (AXIS#.IL.LIMITP, AXIS#.IL.LIMITN) were applied incorrectly, resulting in a reduced range of allowed current.
The current limit calculations for reversed axis motion have been fixed.
Version 02-10-01-000 : August 19, 2022
FB#.RES was showing actual encoder resolution for some feedbacks but for others was showing how the drive interpreted position.
The calculation was updated to always show the encoder's resolution and a new resolution, FB#.PRES, was added to show how the drive interprets the position in FB#.P.
Analog feedbacks (ie: Sin/Cos types and resolver) include the A/D factor in the encoder resolution calculations to show the higher resolution available.
The Rx-PDOs were seen as Inputs e.g. in TwinCAT
Direction was changed and is Ok in TwinCAT.
The AKD2G-SPE ESI file contained an "AKD2G Power Supply" device, which should not have been in this ESI file.
The "AKD2G Power Supply" device has been removed from the AKD2G-SPE ESI file.
Fieldbus could not access the MW.MODELINFO string keyword to see which models are loaded.
New keywords: MW.MODEL#.NAME, MW.MODEL#.VERSION, and MW.MODEL#.ACTIVE were added to fieldbus for acylic/SDO access
Object 0x10F1 was implemented. Subindex 2 sets a limit for missed SM2 (= setpoint PDO) events for the drive. In case of reaching that limit the communication state will change from OP to SAFEOP with an error 0x22 in the AL status code.
Prior to this change, AXIS#.FAULT# was recordable but would cause the drive to crash if it was scoped.
AXIS#.FAULT# is now no longer recordable. Consider using AXIS#.FAULTED to trigger the scope when an axis throws a fault.
Executing the DRV.STOP command with gantry configured would stop motion, but would return an error to execute on the master axis.
DRV.STOP no longer throws an error when executed on gantry configuration.
Home mode 13 used to set AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET to the position error, causing the home position to drift with subsequent homings.
Home mode 13 now clears AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET so the homing position is the feedback position, as designed.
In gantry mode there were problems with axes enabling or disabling at different times, braking at different times, or not controlled stopping when a controlled stop was commanded on the master axis.
The gantry mode implementation has been changed to fix many of these issues.
Motion Task Select Bit and Motion Task Start Selected were added as Action Table Tasks 29 and 30, respectively. These tasks allow users to run any Motion Task based on Digital Input levels.
Version 02-10-00-101 : November 8, 2022
Version 02-10-00-001 : November 22, 2022
Motor & Power Stage
To ensure compliance with regulatory solid state motor overload requirements, the drive should fault after a defined amount of time when an overload condition (motor current above AXIS#.MOTOR.ICONT) is present. The default drive behavior was to report Warning 2002: Motor foldback imminent, but not Fault 2017: Motor Foldback. The fault could be turned on by setting AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESHU to an appropriate threshold, but the default value of 0 turned off the fault. Note that the motor foldback scheme, which is always active, was designed to prevent overheating the motor windings by limiting current in response to overload conditions. However, reporting a fault and disabling the axis are required to ensure regulatory compliance.
The default value for AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESHU has been changed to AXIS#.IPEAK, meaning that the default behavior of the drive is to throw Fault 2017 when motor overload is detected. The default value for AXIS#.IL.FOLDWTHRESH has been changed to 0, turning off Warning 2002 by default. These parameters can still be adjusted. However, if AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESHU is set to a value that relaxes the overload fault detection, it becomes the user's responsibility to provide external overload protection to ensure regulatory compliance.
Version 02-10-00-000 : July 27, 2022
Noise on the 2-wire SFA connection would cause sporadic communication faults (F4117 and F4217).
The communication between the drive and SFA was made more robust during initialization.
During resolver excitation voltage initialization with an SFA, an issue could occur that would result in an SFA over current fault (F4118 and F4218).
The resolver excitation voltage was corrected to not generate an over current condition during initialization.
Some PDOs did not map the size correctly and caused PDO exchange to fail.
The PDO size calculation was corrected in the drive firmware.
Firmware support for all HV24 models has been added.
Version 02-09-03-000 : June 20, 2022
Action Table
ACTION#.ERROR and ACTION.ERRORS showed the last error to occur on an action, even if that action had subsequently run successfully. This and the associated warning could only be cleared using DRV.CLRFAULTS.
ACTION#.ERROR and ACTION.ERRORS now show the current status of the actions based on the last execution. A successful action execution after a failure clears the error and warning statuses.
Certain feedback types that utilized analog and digital signals did not properly enable the termination resistor on the analog signal pins, which could result in F4x11 Analog Signal faults. The affected feedback types were Hiperface, EnDat, and BiSS.
The termination resistor is now enabled on the analog signal pins DIO3/DIO4 for Hiperface, EnDat, and BiSS.
Note: If an external resistor was added to these pins, it can either be removed or the auto-termination must be disabled using DIO#.TERM 2 (override to not terminated) in order for voltage levels to work
Before this change, FB#.P and FB#.FBUS could not represent values at the high ranges of a 64-bit integer.
Now, FB#.P and FB#.FBUS can represent the full 64-bit integer range.
Incorrectly wired feedbacks using halls would not work properly and the user was not alerted.
Produce a warning when an invalid hall sequence is detected.
When using dual loop with a linear encoder, the relationship to the rotary motor must be accounted for in order for control to work correctly. The only way to accomplish this was with PL.KFB, but this was complicated and difficult to understand.
The drive's linear encoder resolution calculation was updated to include AXIS#.MOTOR.PITCH, similar to how it behaves when using a linear motor. For applications where the linear encoder will move a set number of millimeters for the rotary motor revolution, the user can specify the distance using AXIS#.MOTOR.PITCH and the control loops and user scaling then should work out better. For applications where the distance cannot be accurately represented using the motor pitch, a combination of motor pitch and PL.KFB must be used. An app note for these configurations is being developed.
If a linear feedback was used a secondary position feedback on an axis, the scaling was difficult to configure correctly.
When a linear feedback is used as the secondary position feedback, AXIS#.MOTOR.PITCH will now be used in the resolution calculation. The value for this parameter should be the distance the linear encoder travels in one revolution of the rotary motor to make the control loops operate correctly.
If the distance cannot be specified correctly in MOTOR.PITCH, due to gearing etc, AXIS#.PL.KFB.PIN and POUT must be used to further scale the position value to ensure the control loops get the position units in distance/rev for the velocity/position calculations to relate correctly.
AXIS#.PL.FB will be given in counts per motor pitch and custom units with UNIT.PIN and UNIT.POUT can be utilized to scale into desired units.
A new keyword, FB#.SETMULTITURNS was added that allows setting a Hiperface DSL encoder's absolute multi-turn position to any value within the encoder's multi-turn resolution. The single turn position is unchanged in order to maintain proper commutation.
EEO#.ZP and EEO#.ZOFFSET units would always show as Counts, even if the EEO#.SOURCE was using something different.
EEO#.ZP and EEO#.ZOFFSET were updated to always show the units of the EEO#.SOURCE.
Hall signals and sine-cosine signals cannot be recorded when the feedback is using a Smart Feedback Adapter. Related keywords like FB#.HALLSTATE or FB#.SIGNALAMPLITUDE were still recordable for feedbacks, that only supported feedback types with these signals through a Smart Feedback Adapter.
Keywords related to hall signals or sine-cosine signals are now only recordable for feedbacks that support feedback types with these signals without using a Smart Feedback Adapter. When used with a Smart Feedback Adapter, these signals can be recorded using FB#.MONITOR keywords.
If Axis 2 had a different OpMode than Axis 1 when Gantry mode was set, homing would fail
As soon as Axis 2 is set to Gantry command source, Axis 2 inherits the OpMode of Axis 1 for the gantry homing phase, ensuring homing occurs the same on both axes.
Version 02-09-02-000 : May 13, 2022
Action Table
Action source 10 (Move complete) only looked at AXIS#.MT.RUNNING and AXIS#.MT.RUNNINGTASK to determine whether a move is complete. It did not consider the actual position at all.
Action source 10 has been renamed "MT not running". Additionally, a new action source 28 (Move complete) has been added to the firmware, that checks whether a motion task has finished running (i.e. it's no longer updating position command values) and whether the actual position has reached the motion task's target position.
Support for linear Hiperface encoders was added to the firmware.
ECAT.ENEMCY keyword has been added to the available SDO objects for reading and writing.
A new keyword EEO#.STATUS has been added to the firmware that reads the status of the EEO. Additionally, EEO#.FAULTAXIS has been added, that allows selecting axis to be faulted if the EEO is in a faulted state.
New keywords were added to aid in recovering in the event of bad parameters or MechaWare model:
DRV.NVDUMP outputs the parameters that are currently in NV memory
DRV.NVCLEAR with value 0xAABBCCDD deletes all parameters that are in NV memory
MW.MODEL#.ERASE erases the MechaWare model in the designated slot
Motor & Power Stage
Fault 2019 (AC input power loss) was reported at reduced single phase line voltages, due to the operating range of the power loss detection circuit. There was not a minimum AC line voltage check for the fault.
Fault 2019 and the related Warning 2019 are turned off when VBUS.ACNOMINAL is set below 40% of the default AC nominal voltage. For MV drives, the fault and warning are turned off when VBUS.ACNOMINAL is less than 96V. For HV drives the threshold is 192V.
Version 02-09-01-000 : April 21, 2022
Action Table
The drive would crash if using gantry mode and enabling the axis when an action table row commanding axis 2 was active.
The firmware was updated so that it would no longer deactivate an active action when enabled while in gantry mode. The action will fail to execute since commanding axis 2 is not allowed while in gantry mode, but it will remain active and the drive will not crash.
A new warning W3007 was added to the firmware that is triggered when an action encounters an error during execution of its task. ACTION#.ERROR and ACTION.ERRORS have been added get a description of the errors that triggered the warning.
The EtherCAT Conformance test (V2.3) demands to have the object 60E3h - Supported homing methods.
Object 60E3 was added. The subindex 1 demands the homing method 37. This was implemented as well.
A rising edge of bit 2 of AXIS#.MOTIONCONTROL should start a homing motion. If this parameter was mapped to a Modbus register then bit 2 would not start a homing motion. This problem was unique to bit 2 of AXIS#.MOTIONCONTROL when using Modbus, the other bits of this parameter worked as expected. If you use AXIS#.MOTIONCONTROL from the terminal bit 2 would start a homing move. This was working in version 02-05-03-001. This is not working in firmware versions 02-06-03-000 or 02-08-02-001.
The firmware was changed to allow bit 2 of AXIS#.MOTIONCONTROL to start homing when using Modbus.
Some operations that fail that were started via Modbus were not reported in the Modbus error log, MODBUS.ERRORS. The firmware now records the failures using the new error code 36 (Deferred Error).
The ESI file for EtherCAT indicated all models have all IO, but certain models do not have certain IO and will return an error when they are accessed.
The ESI file and drive have been updated to include X22 and X23 modules that will dynamically add/remove additional IO objects based on the model being used.
Added object 500Bh/510Bh sub 44 for AXIS#.MOTOR.SERIALNUM.
To aid in troubleshooting issues with certain masters, an SDO log was added that shows the last 100 SDO messages sent/received from the drive. CANOPEN.SDOLOGEN enables or disables the logging and CANOPEN.SDOLOGDUMP outputs the log.
Functional Safety
In the SafeGrid, the safe output mapping for SDI status was called "SDIx Motion Active". The keyword however was called "AXIS#.SAFE.SDIx.MOVING". For all other safety functions the SafeGrid name and the parameter were aligned.
The keyword has been renamed to match the SafeGrid name.
Drive crashed if SafeId screen is active in conjunction with another screen.
Drive firmware was fixed so it doesn't crash.
Feedback positions of feedback 1-5 were the only possible sources for the Encoder Emulation. It was not possible to use an axis' position command or position feedback.
Position command and position feedback of the drive's axes have been added as sources for Encoder Emulation.
The SFA now supports EEO. X1.MODE and X2.MODE must be set to EEO mode (1). X1 corresponds to EEO3 and X2 corresponds to EEO4. They both behave similarly to EEO1 on X23 as long as an SFA connector is attached to X1 or X2.
A new keyword DRV.BLOCKEDCMDS has been added to the firmware. It prints a list of all currently blocked commands and the reason, why they are blocked.
AXIS#.PL.INTOUTMAX was not being saved to NV memory, any changes to the user was lost on power cycle.
This parameter has been correctly changed to an NV parameter and is now saved to memory.
When using cogging compensation, running teach (AXIS#.IL.COGCOMP.TEACH.MOVE) would take a long time when modulo (AXIS#.IL.COMPTABLE.MODULO) was enabled.
The teach algorithm takes less time.
Motor & Power Stage
The AC input phase loss fault (F2014) and warning (W2014) are generated when a hardware circuit detects the phase loss condition. The circuit output is not reliable below 40% of the standard AC line voltage, which was causing spurious faults and warnings at lower voltages.
The drive now disables the AC input phase loss fault and warning when VBUS.ACNOMINAL is less than 40% of the standard input voltage. That is, phase loss detection is turned off when VBUS.ACNOMINAL is less than 96V for MV drives and 192V for HV drives.
Version 02-09-00-001 : April 4, 2022
Some drives were misprogrammed and led to the same failure seen previously where the action table fault relay action row 1 failed to load properly and fault 1100 was received every time.
The drive firmware was updated to account for the misprogrammed drives.
Version 02-09-00-000 : March 23, 2022
Motor & Power Stage
Under some conditions involving AC line power loss (Warning 2019), the inrush disable source failed to clear automatically. The axes could not be enabled without clearing faults, even when no faults were present.
The inrush disable logic for AC line power loss has been fixed, so that the disable source clears automatically.
Version 02-08-03-000 : February 23, 2022
Action Table
When an action was configured to use source 26 (Recordable Parameter) and ACTION#.SOURCETEXT selected a float parameter, the action did not correctly trigger at the threshold configured in ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE, but at a thousandth of that threshold instead.
The firmware has been changed to trigger at the correct threshold when using ACTION#.SOURCE 26 with a float parameter.
When FB#.STOREMULTITURN.ENABLE was set to 1 (on), then on power cycle the drive would fault with 4x28.
Upon trying to auto-identify SFA feedbacks, the drive reported communication problems with the SFA.
The root cause of the communication problems was identified and fixed, letting the drive auto-identify the SFA feedbacks without issues.
The specification DS306 demands that index and subindex of a CANopen object must be put in hex-format into the CAN eds-file. The subindexes were in decimal notation, visible starting at subindex 10 of sum objects.
Both, index and subindex, were changed now to hex notation.
- CANopen objects were added for AXIS1.PL.OFFSET (500Ch sub 19) and AXIS2.PL.OFFSET (510Ch sub 19) - the object 500Ah sub 19 / 510Ah sub 19 has been made PDO-mappable (AXIS1/2.IL.MI2T)
Codesys and other EtherCAT masters use the object 603Fh to detect the last occurred fault / warning instaed of checking object 1003h. The object 603Fh sub 0 was added.
An error was received if users attempted to set REC.TRIGVAL to a value outside of that keywords range even though it was within the range of the keyword being used for REC.TRIGPARAM.
The drive firmware was updated to accept a wider range of values in REC.TRIGVAL.
When setting up a trigger value with a double type array keyword, the trigger would not capture the value correctly and the recording may not have triggered.
The drive firmware was updated to handle double array type keywords correctly for the scope trigger.
When setting up a trigger value with a decimal, some keywords would truncate down to an integer value. For example, triggering off 0.5 would actually trigger at 0.
The drive firmware was updated to handle decimal values correctly.
If an unrecognized block was used in a user model, the drive would crash.
Block detection and error handling has been improved to handle this failure gracefully and allow the user to delete the bad model once booted.
Only DINs could be used as input sources for limit, home, and hardware enable switches. It is useful to permit DIOs as well because DINs do not permit TTL level inputs while DIOs do.
The firmware was updated to also be able to use DIOs to toggle limit, home, and hardware enable switches.
If the value AXIS#.PL.CMD.OFFSET was non-zero and an AXIS#.STOP command was issued; a discontinuity with the magnitude of PL.CMD.OFFSET would occur immediately after stopping.
The drive stop was not accounting for offsets into the position command, this is fixed.
If a user was monitoring VL.FF it would be noticed that this only included feedforwards directly from the position loop.
VL.FF was re-worked to include all velocity feedforward signals
A new keyword was added which contains all of the Position Command offset values; AXIS#.PL.CMD.FBUSOFFSET and AXIS#.PL.CMD.MWOFFSET
Version 02-08-02-000 : January 18, 2022
Action Table
The default value for the MT Feedrate action task is 0. If the user does not update this before activating the task, it will overwrite MT.FEEDRATE and no motion will occur leading to confusion and difficulty troubleshooting.
The default for the MT feedrate action task has been updated to 100% to match the keyword.
When using a non-Kollmorgen motor without Kollmorgen motor memory present, a Hiperface feedback would appear to identify, but would not show position correctly.
The drive firmware was updated to properly identify Hiperface feedbacks when Kollmorgen motor memory is not present.
If non-unity scaling is used with dual loop implementations, a discontinuity can occur during homing.
Homing offset calculations now correctly take PL.KFB into consideration when homing is performed.
The drive could not initialize certain high resolution linear EnDat 2.2 encoders (e.g. Heidenhain LIP 21). These encoders store their measuring step length in a different way, which was not implemented in the firmware.
The alternative algorithm for calculating the encoder step length from encoder memory data was implemented in the firmware so that encoders using it can now be initialized by the drive.
Hiperface DSL feedbacks can provide not only the motor winding temperature (AXIS#.MOTOR.TEMP), but also the encoder device temperature. FB#.TEMPC will provide this temperature when FB#.TEMPCEN is set to 1.
Note: Enabling this functionality will slow the response time for the F5000 'Motor overheated' fault by up to 150ms due to only being able to read one temperature at a time. Typically the delay is much shorter depending on cable quality.
When using an AKD2G model that had the X22 (EEO2) connector but not the X23 (EEO1) connector, the incorrect EEO objects were created.
EEO2 objects are now created correctly when X23 is not supported by the drive model.
When cyclic data is active via EtherCAT and the connection is interrupted by cutting the Ethernet line, the fault F7005 is created. This was not generated, when the SyncManager 2 on the drive was disabled, i.e. no more data from the EtherCAT master was processed The position extrapolation still was working and led to a moving motor.
Switching off the SyncManager 2 leads now to a F7005 and stops any movement.
New keywords have been added to provide the ability to invert the position provided by an external feedback via fieldbus. For EtherCAT and CAN, the keyword AXIS#.CANOPEN.FB#.DIR and DS402 drive profile object 60F1h, will invert the direction of the associated additional feedback position provided in object 60E4h. For PROFINET and EtherNet/IP, the keyword FB#.FBUSDIR will invert the position provided by FB#.FBUSP. Note that the inversion only gets applied to the value read from the additional feedback positions at 60E4h and 68E4h for EtherCAT and CAN or FB#.FBUSP for PROFINET and EtherNet/IP. It is not applied to the position value used by an axis for motion control.
The drive firmware did not properly initialize the default value for DOUT9.SOURCE, which lead to a load failure during start-up when activating action row 1 that sets DOUT9.
The default value for DOUT9.SOURCE was fixed to be set to the action table source. Action row 1 now can be activated by default as expected.
The firmware had an internal error.
The firmware was fixed and firmware updates succeed consistently.
The drive would not load any NV parameters if initializing default values did not complete successfully.
If initializing parameters to default values fails, the error is logged and a fault 3001 is still generated, but the drive will still continue to load parameters from NV to prevent loss of data.
An integer gain block would not calculate its output correctly on small deltas.
The block has been fixed.
While the feedback type of the commutation feedback was 1 (None) AXIS#.SETUPREQLIST and AXIS#.SETUPREQBITS were not updated. If any required parameters for the selected motor type were unset before FB#.SELECT was set to 1, setting FB#.SELECT to a different value would immediately create a fault F5005 (Drive motor parameters setup incomplete), even if all required parameters had been set in the meantime.
The drive will now correctly track the status of required parameters while FB#.SELECT is 1 (No Encoder).
When writing a number with more than three digits after the decimal point to a float number, that only has a precision of three digits after the decimal point, an error "[0009] Argument is out of data-range" was created by the drive. The description did not match the cause of the error.
A new error "[0360] More than three digits after decimal point" is now created in the case described above.
If a cogging table had been loaded, but homing not complete, the cogging table output would be sent to the motor output even though the index is not aligned.
Now the cogging table output will not be sent to the motor until homing has been completed.
Workbench needs to show the user where the feedback (AXIS#.PL.FB) is relative to the active cogging compensation table.
A new CAP#.REARM mode has been added to automatically arm the compare channel on startup. It can be enabled by setting CAP#.REARM to 2. Additionally, while using a motion task with the Registration move type, the user can now specify which rearm mode to use.
If the AXIS#.PL.MWFF position feedforward was being used during a controlled stop (either directly, or indirectly during limit switch control or homing), the feedforward value would not be compensated causing a discontinuity in the resulting PL.CMD signal.
PL.MWFF has been compensated during these procedures so no discontinuity exists.
When using a homing mode and AXIS#.PL.FILTER is active, then a discontinuity occurred exactly when the homing position offset was updated.
The PL.FILTER block now accounts for this homing offset change properly and the discontinuity has been removed.
Motor & Power Stage
Warnings 2014 (AC input phase loss) and 2019 (AC input power loss) are reported when the axis is disabled, and automatically clear when the AC input state is satisfactory. The time to clear was excessive, in some cases over 3 sec. If an axis enable was attempted during the delay, the corresponding fault was reported on the axis.
The timing has been fixed so that the warnings automatically clear within 50 msec.
The current loop gain (AXIS#.IL.KP) calculation was about 23% high.
The current loop gain calculation has been fixed. The corrected AXIS#.IL.KP values should work with most existing motion tuning.
Version 02-08-01-000 : November 9, 2021
The Hiperface DSL model EDM35 would fault with F4x06 after feedback selection.
This feedback type no longer throws the F4x06 fault.
Auto-Identify feature was not available for SFA feedbacks.
Auto-Identify will work for all plug-and-play feedbacks, including those connected with an SFA.
Linear analog EnDat feedbacks are now able to be identified and used.
When a class 3 connection is opened, it will cause the class 1 cyclic connection to change update rates within the drive as well as change the connected status LED in WorkBench.
Class 3 connections no longer impact the sample period or connected status in the drive.
It's difficult to observe the commanded motion from EtherNetIP in WorkBench.
Drive units were added to the cyclic EtherNetIP keywords, AXIS#.FBUS.VL.CMD was added, and depending on the commanded motion in progress, certain commands will show with the NotInUse tag for WorkBench to improve the display.
Gantry mode was not fully working while using EtherNet/IP fieldbus.
Some issues were fixed around gantry mode with EtherNet/IP. Once the second axis is set to gantry mode, all commands can be issued to axis 1 and axis 2 will follow.
AXIS#.MW.FBUS# keywords are now available to read/write via PROFINET telegram signals cyclically. MW.FBUS1-16 can be written to using signal numbers 7600-7615 and read from using signal numbers 7700-7715.
For example "DRV.HELP CMP2.WIDTHT 2" would return a line without the actual value being returned "Actual value =".
DRV.HELP now correctly returns the actual value.
Shutting down drive systems to prepare for a reboot could cause some faults to appear in DRV.FAULTHIST that should be ignored. For example, the reboot that happens after downloading firmware caused Fault 2503 (Power board under temperature) on some drives.
Any new faults that occur after a drive reboot starts are not written to fault history.
Integer Lookup Tables in User Models cause FW to crash
Integer Lookup Tables in User Models now work correctly.
When AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE was set to 0 (None) while AXIS#.CMDSOURCE was 2 (Electronic Gearing) a config conflict was active for AXIS#.GEAR.FBSOURCE but no matching conflict reason was added to DRV.CONFIGCONFLICTS.
A config conflict reason for AXIS.GEAR.FBSOURCE 0 was implemented.
Enabling store multiturn with the incorrect setup (like non-absolute feedback) caused the drive to fault. These faults could not be cleared and required the drive to be power cycled.
Now when store multiturn faults occur, the user can disable store multiturn feature (FB#.STOREMULTITURN.ENABLE 0) and clear the faults.
AXIS#.PL.KFB did not provide enough precision. For example, a gear ratio of 1 / 3 cannot be represented precisely by 0.333333.
As there are no DIP-switches it is now possible to set the CAN-Node Id via the AKD2G-display. Additionally also the baudrate can be set.
If Axis 2 is configured as a Gantry, and the feedback source or type is changed, then the effective Axis 2 home origin is no longer valid. However the Gantry remained active and synchronized. When Axis 2 was enabled after this, it would run away.
The Gantry state is reset to "Pending Homing" if any feedback type changes or any axis feedback source changes.
Cogging Compensation had been added as a new feature. See documentation for all related configuration and activation keywords. Workbench version 2.9.5 enables a GUI tool to use this feature.
Motor & Power Stage
The name of Warning 2012, "Inconsistent mains voltage", is not descriptive enough to indicate the cause of the warning. In addition, a corresponding fault should occur when an attempt is made to enable the axis.
Warning 2012 has been renamed to "Initial DC bus above regen threshold", and Fault 2020 has been added with the same name. The warning is reported when the axis is disabled, and the fault occurs when an attempt is made to enable the axus
Version 02-08-00-000 : October 18, 2021
Functional Safety
When AXIS#.SAFE.ABSOLUTEPOSVALID returned 1, the absolute safe position was actually invalid and when it returned 0, the absolute safe position was valid.
The value returned has been corrected to be 1 when valid and 0 when invalid.
Fault 1100 (NV Memory Data) might occur when updating from 02-07-00-0xx to one of several 02-07-0x-0xx beta releases.
The parameter update causing Fault 1100 has been fixed. The fault does not occur when updating from 02-07-00-0xx to 02-08-00-0xx and later.
While doing a firmware download over EtherCAT (FoE), the drive crashed.
The firmware was changed so it doesn't crash.
Version 02-07-04-000 : October 1, 2021
Objects for HOME.OFFSETUSER (5008h sub14) and HOME.P (5008h sub15) did not handle signed values.
The drive firmware was updated so that objects for HOME.OFFSETUSER (5008h sub14) and HOME.P (5008h sub15) can handle signed values.
When continually reading or writing through a Modbus connection over a longer period, the drive would sometimes close the connection for no apparent reason.
The drive should no longer unexpectedly close Modbus connections.
Functional Safety
There is no way to change the second axis' parameters on a single axis drive and the default for SBC on axis 2 is to have the second brake attached. If a second brake was attached to the single axis, there is a parameter conflict even though the second axis is unable to be configured.
The default for the second axis' SBC was updated to not be attached.
When updating from version 02-07-00-000 to 02-07-02-000 and later beta releases, Fault 1100 (NV Memory Data) occurs due to a change to AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET. The condition may affect AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET values after download. The fault can be cleared and does not occur again after saving NV parameters.
The initial report of Fault 1100 due to AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET after updating firmware has been suppressed.
When a drive configured for AC input detected a loss of AC input power, it triggered a fault 'F2014: AC input phase loss'. The same fault was created when the drive detected the loss of a single input phase.
To better distinguish between the loss of input phases and the complete loss of input power a new fault 'F2019: AC input power loss' has been implemented.
EEO#.PIN/EEO#.POUT is a gain that can be applied to the feedback source position value. EEO#.P is a read only parameter that returns the position after the gain is applied.
A new keyword DRV.CONFIGCONFLICTS has been added to the firmware. It shows a list of all active configuration conflicts, giving a description of the reason for the conflict. Another new keyword DRV.CONFIGCONFLICTLIST displays a list of all configuration conflict reasons currently implemented in the firmware.
When using blended motion tasks (MT.TRANSITION = 2 or 3) and relative positions, the motion task could ramp to 0 instead of blending between tasks.
The firmware was fixed so that blending would occur for relative motion task moves.
Motor & Power Stage
The AKD2G does not support brushed motors.
Brushed motor selection has been removed and is no longer supported.
AXIS#.IL.COMMANGLE is a new read only parameter that reports the commutation angle for an axis that is either in motion or locked in position in UVW current command mode.
Version 02-07-03-000 : September 15, 2021
Action Table
With an action source selected, that uses ACTION#.SOURCETEXT, setting ACTION#.SOURCETEXT to an empty string and then accessing ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE crashed the drive.
The drive will now return an error on accesses to ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE, when ACTION#.SOURCETEXT is used by the selected action source but is empty.
A new action source '27 - Drive Initialized' has been added to the firmware. An action using this new source will execute its task exactly once when the drive has finished initialization after booting.
Older EnDat's may have an invalid ordering designation and cause feedback initialization to fail.
EnDat feedbacks will now initialize regardless of if the ordering designation was programmed correctly or not.
FB#.TEMPC is a read only keyword that returns the encoder temperature. Currently, the Hiperface DSL feedback is the only feedback that supports reading encoder temperature.
When re-triggering the AKD_Home or AKD_Move AOI blocks, the IP output never shows true and PC stays true, indicating that the move has completed when it may still be in progress.
A timing issue was fixed in the drive firmware where the load complete bit was set prior to starting a move. The load complete bit will now remain low for at least one fieldbus cycle before being set to allow a move to start and update the in progress bit.
When using profile position mode (mode 1) in CAN or EtherCAT, bit 9 of the control word will now blend moves together when triggering a new point while one is progress rather than ramping to 0 RPM between moves.
The drive crashes when running saving parameters to the SD card.
The drive firmware was fixed to not crash when saving parameters to the SD card.
When a motion task was set up to do an absolute move with transition type 3 and next task id set to itself, the axis would bounce back and forth between the +/- target position.
The motion task will now stay at the target position.
Motor & Power Stage
A new feature was added to the drive to be able to verify the regen resistor has been wired correctly. Executing REGEN.TEST will put current through the regen resistor circuit and verify bus voltage drops by a percentage (REGEN.TESTVTHRESH) of the initial voltage. If the timeout, REGEN.TESTTO, is exceeded the test will fail. REGEN.TESTSTATUS shows the results of the test. If the bus voltage reaches the threshold before the timeout, everything is considered correct and the test passes. If a short circuit is present, the test will fail early and a fault will be present. If an open circuit is present, the test timeout will be hit and the failure is reported in the test status.
UVW phase currents can now be commanded in torque mode. Setting AXIS#.IL.CMDMODE = 1 turns off normal commutation and enables the use of phase U and V current commands, with phase W calculated automatically. With commutation turned off, constant phase currents lock the rotor at a position determined by the relative magnitudes.
AXIS#.IL.IUCMDU and AXIS#.IL.IVCMDU specify the phase currents, and AXIS#.IL.SETCMD applies them as a coherent set for the power stage output. AXIS#.IL.IUCMD, AXIS#.IL.IVCMD, and AXIS#.IL.IWCMD give the actual phase current commands after limits have been applied.
The default AXIS#.IL.CMDMODE = 0 supports normal commutation in torque mode, with AXIS#.IL.CMDU setting the torque-producing current.
Version 02-07-02-000 : August 12, 2021
Action Table
Three issues were recently identified if an Action was configured to use the Recordable Parameter as a source.
Fixed a crash condition if the Recordable Parameter has not been specified before the Action was activated. Made USER.INT# keywords recordable to enhance flexibility with the action table. Fixed a bug that prevented recordable array parameters from being used as a Recordable Parameter source in the Action table.
A bug was identified trying to use array keywords (like AXIS1.MT.MOVE) in the Action Table Command Buffer.
Arrays are now correctly accepted by the command buffer action.
Analog & Digital IO
The keywords AXIS#.IL.AINSOURCE, AXIS#.VL.AINSOURCE and AXIS#.PL.AINSOURCE can now be set to 0 to select no analog input as the source. In that case, an axis in analog mode will not command any motion, i.e. in torque or velocity mode it will have a current or velocity command of zero and in analog position mode it will keep its actual position.
Fault 4x05 (Feedback initialization sequence) frequently appeared incorrectly when selecting a feedback connected through an SFA. The fault could be cleared and the feedback used, but the fault was misleading.
Fault 4x05 no longer appears when selecting an SFA feedback, unless there is a legitimate fault condition.
The resolution of linear SSI feedbacks was calculated incorrectly, resulting in much larger position count values than expected.
Linear SSI resolution has been fixed.
In the initial scaled feedback implementation, negative values of FB#.SCALED.PIN were used to reverse direction. This implementation was not consistent with direction settings for other features such as AXIS#.DIR and AXIS#.HOME.DIR.
FB#.SCALED.DIR has been added to set the scaled feedback direction to standard (0) or reverse (1). FB#.SCALED.PIN is now restricted to positive values.
FB#.INFO will now show the encoder designation, for example EQI1131, for EnDat encoders that support the EnDat 2.2 protocol.
Previous to this release, an SFA FPGA was only available as a separate image, and the installed SFA image is only upgraded when it is downloaded with the feedback already selected as an SFA. Furthermore, if the drive has two SFA feedbacks, each had to upgraded separately.
With this release, an SFA FPGA is part of a standard user image and will be downloaded automatically to all SFA feedback(s) if the installed version(s) needs to be upgraded. This happens when an SFA feedback is selected with the command FBx.SELECT.
The EtherCAT ESI file contained some excluded combinations of fixed PDO mappings, where the mappings each mapped an object with the same function but for a different axis.
The EtherCAT ESI file has been changed so that selecting a fixed PDO mapping for one axis is not affecting the fixed PDO mapping options for the other axis.
The synchronization warning 7011 would occur incorrectly when using a 250uS cycle time.
The drive firmware was updated to disable warning 7011 for 250uS. The tight timing requirements for 250uS cycle times means that the drive Tx may occur in the prior sync0 cycle in order to guarantee stable signals.
The synchronization warning 7011 did not properly account for the ECAT.PLLOFFSET setting and would get triggered when there was no synchronization issue.
The drive firmware was updated to properly account for the ECAT.PLLOFFSET when detecting synchronization issues.
When a negative velocity is used during the jog command type (7) while in position mode, the velocity will not match the commanded velocity.
The drive firmware was updated to correctly interpret negative velocities and the commanded velocity direction will now match the velocity mode operation. The velocity will be negative if either the velocity setpoint is negative or the direction bit indicates negative direction. The velocity will be positive if the velocity setpoint is positive and direction bit is positive or if both are negative.
When executing a torque move, the Smooth_Stop AOI does not correctly stop motion. The root cause was tracked to the 'in progress' bit of the status word is not getting set.
The firmware was updated to set the in progress bit when not at zero speed during a torque move. See AXIS#.ZERO commands for setting up zero speed.
When using the fieldbus port for WorkBench (Profinet and EthernetIP), download would occasionally fail.
Firmware was fixed to make downloads work.
When sending a small parameter file over FoE that fits within one EtherCAT mailbox frame, the parameters were not evaluated even though the file transfer succeeded.
All parameter files independent of size are handled correctly.
With other fieldbusses each FB#.P can be scaled separately from the axis scaling. This is useful when using a feedback not tied to a specific axis. PROFINET currently uses the axis scaling when accessing an object that returns a FB#.P position.
Additional scale factors were added to each feedback: FB#.PROFINET.FEEDRATIO.FEED, FB#.PROFINET.FEEDRATIO.SHAFTREV, FB#.PROFINET.GEARRATIO.MOTORREV, and FB#.PROFINET.GEARRATIO.SHAFTREV. These factors are used when accessing the FB#.P command directly or a command that returns a specific FB#.P value, such as compare and capture when FB#.P is selected as a source.
Array parameters can now be mapped in the EtherNet\IP dynamic map. Array indexes are specified using the AXIS#.EIP.DYNAMICCMDINDEX and AXIS#.EIP.DYNAMICRSPINDEX keywords.
An issue was found with the Autotuner/Bode tool if the scope had been used previously, the Autotuner/Bode tool may fail to start recording subsequent attempts.
The recorder trigger mechanism was found to have a bug introduced. The trigger mechanism has been fixed and the Autotuner/Bode will now work correctly.
The Gain block's output (MODEL#.BLOCK#.OUTPUT) (BLOCK number for the gain block varies per model) in the MechaWare model was returning a very large incorrect value. This caused WorkBench to not allow connection to the drive.
The block now returns the correct value.
A new CMP#.REARM mode has been added to automatically arm setpoints on startup. It can be enabled by setting CMP#.REARM [Setpoint index] to 2
The diagnostic section of parameter files will now contain the drive's serial number and AXIS#.MOTOR.SERIALNUM.
The velocity loop integrator block did not discharge after exiting current saturation. This is a rare condition because saturation is not an expected operating condition.
The velocity loop integrator block will now discharge after exiting current saturation.
When using a motion task with a following motion task, the stop command could occasionally be ignored.
The drive firmware was updated to always abort the following motion task when the stop command is issued.
When PL.KFB is not equal to 1 and feedback values greater than 360 degrees in the PL.KFB gain block, then the output produces an unexpected value.
The PL.KFB gain block operates as expected for all values of the gain and feedback.
If an axis was configured as a gantry, the GANTRY.PL.ERRFTHRESH would only be active after successful homing of the gantry. This meant the gantry could still become damaged if the axes opposed each other with enough force prior to successful homing.
GANTRY.PL.ERRFTHRESH is now calculated as AXIS2.PL.ERR - AXIS1.PL.ERR prior to homing. Once homing is successful and GANTRY.STATE is at 3, gantry error resumes normal calculation as the value of AXIS1.PL.FB - AXIS2.PL.FB.
Motor & Power Stage
On axes with MOTOR.AUTOSET = 1, AXIS#.DBILIMIT would reset to its default value after a reboot if its value was equal to MOTOR.ICONTs default value.
AXIS#.DBILIMIT has been added to the list of MOTOR.AUTOSET and MOTOR.DISAUTOSET parameters. Its value should now be equal to MOTOR.ICONT while its MOTOR.DISAUTOSET index is set to 0. This may trigger Fault 1100 on startup. Clear the fault and perform a DRV.NVSAVE to stop it from reoccurring. A new read only parameter, AXIS#.DBILIMITACTUAL, has also been added which returns the minimum value of the AXIS#.DBILIMIT, AXIS#.ICONT, and AXIS#.MOTOR.ICONT parameters.
AXIS#.MOTOR.VOLTMAX minimum value is 110v and does not support lower voltage motors.
The minimum voltage was decreased to 0V to allow lower voltage motors.
Version 02-07-01-000 : June 14, 2021
Action Table
This issue affected using ACTON#.TASK 16 (command buffer) to set a floating point parameter. When the command buffer action was triggered the fractional part of the value was ignored for some parameters. For example "ACTION#.SOURCETEXT AXIS1.VL.AINSCALE 123.456" would set AXIS1.VL.AINSCALE to 123.000.
ACTION#.SOURCETEXT in the example above will now set the value, including the fractional part, when the action is triggered.
When changing FB#.SELECT between 1 and 31 EnDat Digital, or 34 BiSS C, the feedback sometimes generated a fault.
Changing FB#.SELECT will consistently identify and initialise the EnData and BiSS feedbacks without generating a fault.
When FB#.SELECT = 1 (No Encoder) for the current loop feedback source (AXIS#.IL.FBSOURCE) belonging to an axis, the drive is not able to read motor parameters from the feedback or enable the axis. The drive has been reporting Fault 5005 (Motor parameters setup incomplete) when FB#.SELECT = 1. The fault should only occur when a valid feedback has been selected and identified.
Fault 5005 can be cleared when FB#.SELECT = 1.
The position feedback FB#.P used for motion control, when connected to an axis, has units of counts and is scaled so that 2^32 counts corresponds to one revolution for a rotary motor. For convenience, a scaled feedback FB#.SCALED.P has been added for non-control purposes.
The scaling is defined using FB#.SCALED.PIN and FB#.SCALED.POUT. An offset can be applied using FB#.SCALED.OFFSET. Custom units are set using FB#.SCALED.LABEL.
SSI feedback devices can be connected to the drive through SFA, using FB#.SELECT = 136 (SSI - SFA).
We have added support for the two new SFA models. AKD2G-CON-SFA-E00 (Feedbacks except resolver) AKD2G-CON-SFA-R00 (Resolver only) You will get the new F4030 fault if you try and select a feedback that the SFA does not support. The existing SFA, AKD2G-CON-SFA-000, will be replaced by the two new models.
A new set of keywords, AXIS#.CANOPEN.CONTROLBITxx.MODE, have been added to tie a function to the five manufacturer bits in the DS402 control word. When the mode is set to 1 for a specified bit, AXIS#.PL.MODPDIR will be set to the positive direction when the corresponding control word bit is 0 and set to the negative direction when the control word bit is 1. If multiple control word bits are used with the same mode, the upper bit directs the MODPDIR setting and overrides the lower bit.
The AKD2G can now be configured to run in cyclic synchronous velocity mode. Set fieldbus op mode using object 6060h to 9 and set the target velocity using object 60FFh to cyclically command velocity.
A bug was found that if the user had a MechaWare model using a PDO block, if the input went negative the model would overflow the signal and incorrectly handle negative values.
Data handling has been fixed.
Reading REC.CH# or REC.TRIGPARAM did not show the array index when they were set to an array type keyword.
REC.CH# and REC.TRIGPARAM now show the array index of array type keywords.
If WorkBench is connected for a few days, the drive's webserver will die and the drive won't be able to download unless restarted.
The webserver stays up and the drive will be able to download even after WorkBench is connected for a long time.
When a customer collects drive information using the command DRV.INFO, the SFA information is not displayed
SFA#.INFO is now integrated into DRV.INFO
Before this release these parameters could only take positive values and could not be set to zero. The default value was the smallest permissible value.
The range of AXIS#.VL.AINSCALE and AXIS#.IL.AINSCALE has been extended to include zero and negative values. The default values are now zero. This changes allows a 0-10V input to generate motion in the negative direction when using the analog command source.
Version 02-07-00-001 : June 4, 2021
Version 02-07-00-000 : June 2, 2021
When AXIS#.MOTOR.AUTOSET is enabled, certain AXIS#.MOTOR keywords should not be writable. They are blocked via the service port but not if executed over the fieldbus.
The drive firmware was updated to return an error when autoset is enabled and an autoset object is written to.
A new keyword and fieldbus object CANOPEN.EMCYRESEND (300Bh sub 5) has been added that, when enabled, will cause the drive to re-send EMCY messages that are still active after a fault reset.
Every so often, a drive will crash while downloading firmware with FoE.
The cause was traced to faulty synchronization between tasks, and it was fixed.
Array NV commands whose values are not set (they use the default values) were not listed with the command DRV.NVLIST.
Array NV Commands whose values were not set are printed with the default values.
When upgrading an AKD2G from 02-06-00 and earlier to a newer version, the motion task parameters are not restored and there is no fault indicating that they failed to load.
The drive firmware was updated to correctly restore the motion task values from 02-06-00 and earlier as well as generate the correct fault if it failed.
Sending table data to the drive has been performed one element at a time. For large tables, the overhead from this approach has resulted in long times for writing the entire data set.
Large tables can now be programmed with fewer overall commands. Each command specifies multiple consecutive element values. The command syntax consists of the parameter name, followed by the index of the first element to be written, followed by the data for consecutive elements.
Motor & Power Stage
Faults 2005 (Iu current offset) and 2006 (Iv current offset) cannot be cleared once they occur. Rebooting the drive is the only way to recover.
Faults 2005 and 2006 can now be cleared. The current offset calculations reset when the faults are cleared.
In very special circumstances, a parameter stored in feedback motor memory needs to be set to a different value without disabling autoset for other motor parameters.
AXIS#.MOTOR.DISAUTOSET allows autoset to be disabled for individual motor parameters. Its use is not recommended except in rare cases. See the user help documentation for instructions.
Version 02-06-04-000 : May 13, 2021
A timing issue was causing occasional failures during Hiperface DSL feedback initialization under some conditions.
The timing issue has been fixed and no longer causes Hiperface DSL initialization failures.
The drive was reporting position movement for some Hiperface encoder models when the motor was stationary and the axis disabled.
The underlying issue has been fixed, and the drive reports the correct position for the affected Hiperface models.
Support for SSI feedbacks has been added for the X23 connector (FB3). SSI feedbacks are configured by setting FB3.SELECT to 36 and FB3.SSITYPE to the protocol type that matches the feedback model.
FB3.SINGLETURNBITS and FB3.MULTITURNBITS must also be set to initialize the feedback when FB3.MECHTYPE = 0 (Rotary). FB3.BITS must also be set to initialize the feedback when FB3.MECHTYPE = 1 (Linear).
Siemens documentation for the telegram 9 profile move block specifies MDI_VELOCITY given in drive units, not percent of reference velocity
Scaling is now changed from N4 to the actual set drive velocity scaling via AXIS#.UNIT.VROTARY/AXIS#.UNIT.VLINEAR.
Loading parameter files can sometimes fail for AXIS#.PROFINET.SETPOINTMAP, AXIS#.PROFINET.ACTUALVALUEMAP, or AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID depending on other parameter values.
The drive will now conditionally save the mapping and telegram id configurations depending on the overall configuration. The mapping is only writable and saved when the telegram id is 0. The telegram id is only writable and saved when PROFINET.USEMODULECFG is set to 0, indicating to not use the PLC's sub-module configuration for telegrams.
Motion Task parameters have been added to the EtherCAT/CAN object dictionary.
HWLS and SWLS states have been added to the axis manufacturer status object 50EFh/51EFh: bit 18 is the positive HWLS state, bit 20 is the negative HWLS state, bit 21 is the positive SWLS state, and bit 22 is the negative SWLS state
CMP#.DIR sets the direction of the compare channel source value change that triggers the setpoint output. The direction feature was not working for the positive and negative settings, so that the setpoint always triggered on both directions.
The direction feature has been fixed. The setpoint output can be triggered on positive, negative, or both directions.
Compare used the position value before any offset or gain was applied. This caused the compare value to not match the source value and would trigger the digital outputs at incorrect positions.
Position offset and gain are now applied to the compare value.
Discontinuities/unexpected motion may occur when changing the value of PL.FILTER while the amp is enabled. Other causes may include homing.
Prefiler is now working as expected.
Version 02-06-03-002 : May 4, 2021
If auto identify was enabled and an EnDat device that supported analog and digital signals was connected, some newer devices that support the “Ordering Designation” would incorrectly be identified as EnDat Digital. Also, if you manually selected EnDat Analog the feedback would fail to be initialized. If you typed FB#.INFO the “Ordering Designation” would incorrectly say EnDat10 when EnDat01 would have been the correct value.
The firmware has been changed to correctly auto-identify these devices as EnDat Analog devices and report the correct “Ordering Designation” from FB3.INFO. Selecting EnDat analog with FB#.SELECT will also initialize the feedback correctly without any faults.
When using an EnDat linear motor, the resolution would be off by a factor of 1000, which caused the position to be incorrect.
The drive firmware has been updated to provide the correct resolution.
The EnDat linear resolution would be the incorrect value for any devices using a MOTOR.PITCH other than 32mm (default value).
The drive firmware was fixed to recalculate the resolution when MOTOR.PITCH is set. Previously it would only calculate the resolution during feedback initialization, which occurs prior to MOTOR.PITCH loading.
The initial 64-bit position of a multiturn feedback device needs to be treated as an unsigned or signed value, depending on the application. FB#.INITSIGNED instructs the drive how to interpret the initial position sign.
Fault 2014 (AC input phase loss) occurs when the drive detects a phase or power loss condition on the AC input. In very rare cases, the drive has reported the fault incorrectly.
The drive checks that the phase and power loss conditions persist over multiple measurement samples before reporting Fault 2014.
Version 02-06-03-000 : April 27, 2021
In the EtherCAT ESI file, PDOs that only exist on the dual axis devices are listed for the single axis devices in some cases and causing issues with some EtherCAT masters.
The dual axis PDOs have been removed from the single axis devices in the ESI file.
When the communication configuration was setup to use IRT without Isochronous Mode and the sample period differed from the send clock, the drive will crash.
The drive firmware was updated to operate properly when using IRT with a sample period different from the send clock.
Some EtherCAT controllers are very strict on EMCY messages and detect them as faults although warnings are generating EMCY messages as well.
New axis related commands AXIS#.ECAT.REPORTWARNINGS are implemented to allow switching off Emergency messages on warnings. Default (1) is to send Emeregency messages on warnings. Object 0x501D / 0x511D is implemented to use via CoE.
If faults occurred during startup, the AKD2G would not generate EtherCAT emergency messages.
Faults will be queued and CoE emergency messages will be sent out once the communication state PreOp is reached
For objects, which have a value range of [0, 1], higher values did not generate a SDO abort. A value of 0 was written instead.
Trying to write values outside of the valid range deliver now a SDO abort (value too high).
For the EtherCAT cyclic data to work correctly the drive has to prepare the Tx data before it receives the Rx data from the master. If the drive receives the Rx data before finishing the preparation of Tx data, it will show a warning W7011. The warning will remain active until it is cleared by clearing faults or warnings. The new parameter ECAT.ENRXWARN can be set to 0 to disable the warning.
When using standard telegrams 3 and 5, it is advised to run with Isochronous Mode to guarantee timing. The drive now generates a warning when using these telegrams and Isochronous Mode is not configured. The warning can be disabled by setting the keyword PROFINET.ENISOWARNING to 0.
The drive now supports using WorkBench to connect to the PROFINET IP address obtained by connecting to the fieldbus port of the drive.
If a position value was captured while AXIS#.PL.MODPEN was enabled, CAP#.P would return the true position value instead of the modulo position value.
CAP#.P will now return the position modulo value when AXIS#.PL.MODPEN is enabled
Version 02-06-02-000 : April 1, 2021
Loading a parameter file that was saved with older firmware could fail with an error with a value out of range error.
The drive firmware was updated to allow a value of 1 (No feedback selected) for FB5.LASTIDENTIFIED.
The drive mis-aligned the PLC output latch when using SM2 synchronization due to another recent fix around DC synchronization. When jitter occurred around the SM2 interrupt due to packet jitter, position updates would be missed.
The drive firmware was updated to shift the PLC output latch by 125uS when using DC synchronization. If packet jitter stays within 125uS, position updates should not be missed. If there is higher jitter, additional offset can be applied using ECAT.PLLOFFSETNODC.
CANOpen objects have been created for a majority of the parameters that are stored non-volatile and were not accessible through CANOpen.
The object for position range limit is available now. It corrsponds to AXIS#.PL.MODP1/2. If one of the sub-indexes is unequal 0 the modulo range is activated (AXIS#.PL.MODPEN = 1).
Motor & Power Stage
The AC input phase loss fault (Fault 2014) was reported regardless of whether the axis was enabled. This caused inconveniences when power was intentionally removed from a drive with disabled axes, for example during commissioning, and the fault had to be cleared.
An AC input phase loss warning (Warning 2014) has been added. It is reported when the drive detects phase and/or power loss conditions on the AC input when the axes are disabled. The warning clears automatically when power is restored, with a delay for the inrush relay to close safely. Warning 2014 and Fault 2014 both depend on VBUS.THREEPHASE and VBUS.DCOPERATION in the same way.
Version 02-06-01-000 : March 15, 2021
A higher than expected SFD Gen II initialization error was reported.
SFD Gen II initialization error is eliminated.
Maximum supported steps/rev for A quad B was 2^21-1.
Maximum supported steps/rev for A quad B is increased to 2^32-1.
A resolver auto-calibration loop is created to automatically calibrated the resolver above a certain threshold speed. This calibration algorithm is turned off at low speeds.
A phase delay in resolver's output position is present with respect to the input analog signals at high motor speeds.
A feed-forward phase-delay compensation term is added to the resolver tracking loop to compensate for the phase delay at high motor speeds.
When using ECAT.PLLOFFSET = 250000 ns, the position would be latched at sync0 instead of 250uS offset from sync0.
The drive firmware was fixed to latch the position at the correct offset from sync0.
There was an issue in the drive that could cause the TxPDO data (PLC Inputs) to be delayed by a cycle.
The drive firmware was updated so that the time the TxPDO data is sent from the drive is at a consistent time. As long as there is < 125uS jitter in the SM2 event then data should be sent within a cycle from the drive.
The AKD2G would timeout when going from SAFEOP to OP when distributed clocks are in use and using cycle times > 5ms. The PLL used inside the AKD2G to synchronize to the distributed clock requires a certain number of cycles to pass in order to be synchronized. Longer cycle times caused a timeout to occur while waiting for the PLL to lock.
The SAFEOP to OP timeout has been increased to allow more time for the PLL to synchronize at longer cycles.
When writing a string with an odd length through an EtherCAT SDO an additional character was appended to the string.
The firmware now terminates strings written via EtherCAT SDO at the correct length.
The "Target reached" bit 10 in the DS402 statusword was not set when drive came to a standstill in the Quickstop state.
The "Target reached" bit 10 in the DS402 statusword is now set when drive is in Quickstop with quick stop option codes 5 and 6 (axis stays enabled in Quickstop) when in standstill.
New keywords AXIS#.FBUS.PL.FF, AXIS#.FBUS.VL.FF, and AXIS#.FBUS.PL.FF are tied to the control loops and allow fieldbuses to inject position, velocity, and current offsets respectively. Added CANOpen objects 0x60B0, 0x60B1, and 0x60B2 which tie directly to these new keywords and thus the control loops.
VBUS.ACNOMINAL is now accessible via index 300A sub-index 5.
A new object 3000h sub 9 is implemented to show the serial number, which is on the name plate of the drive in the format xx-yyyy-zzzzz.
Functional safety
Worbench wasn't reporting safety as monitoring when SDIp or SDIn was active. Moreover when SDIn was faulted, the safety graph wasn't painting the SDIn box in red.
AXIS#.SAFE.FUNCTIONSTATUS command is fixed to report SDI status bits correctly and safety graph does now paint SDIn box in read when it is faulted.
SDIn active bit of Axis 1 cannot be linked to a SOUT with FSoE SRA parameters on a dual axis.
ESI file has been fixed in order to allow the user to link a SOUT to SDIn active bit of Axis 1 with FSoE SRA parameters.
SDIn active bit of Axis 1 was wrongly returning SDIp active of Axis 2 when link to a SOUT with FSoE SRA parameters on single axis (SDIp active of Axis 2 is always 0 on a single axis).
ESI file has been fixed to map SDIn active of Axis 1 to the right value on a single axis.
DRV.DIFVAR provides a list of NV parameters that are different from their default values. DRV.RSTVAR sets all parameters to their defaults. Therefore after DRV.RSTVAR, DRV.DIFVAR should be empty. DRV.DIFVAR was incorrectly reporting parameter differences after DRV.RSTVAR.
DRV.DIFVAR as been fixed. It is empty after DRV.RSTVAR.
DRV.NVCHECK is a checksum of all the NV parameters on a drive. Changing some parameters, like AXIS1.PL.KP, would not change the value DRV.NVCHECK returned.
DRV.NVCHECK now changes if any of the NV parameters are changed.
SD.INFO returns error when SD Card not inserted
SD.INFO returns empty values for Capacity, User and Free sizes.
If DRV.READFORMAT was set to 16 then the output of some informational commands like DRV.INFO, HW.INFO and MODBUS.INFO would incorrectly use the hex format for some fields.
These info commands now ignore DRV.READFORMAT and always use decimal. DRV.READFORMAT still works when reading parameters.
If you tried using AXIS#.TRAJ.VCMD as a trigger with REC.TRIGPARAM the recorder would not trigger at the correct time. This issue was seen when using any IEEE double parameter as a trigger. All other trigger parameters would trigger correctly.
The recorder has been fixed to work with all IEEE double parameters.
Compare channels provide a fast, accurate and flexible for controlling an output based on the comparison of a position, or other value, to a threshold. See user help for a full description of the compare feature.
If a custom MechaWare model includes a Torque Output block for an axis that already has a Torque block, Warning 3103 will be thrown. It will not prevent the axis from operating, but indicates an unexpected behavior will occur. This warning will go away if one of the blocks is diabled by disabling the appropriate model.
When rehoming an axis in Gantry mode, then the Gantry state would remain active (3) even when homing failed.
The Gantry state is set to pending homing (1) once homing is activated. Therefore, if homing fails then the state will remain pending homing (1).
A bug was identified that prevented an axis from being enabled while command source was set to gantry if Wake and Shake had been run - even when successful.
Axes that have already completed wake and shake can now be successfully used as the master or slave in a gantry configuration. Note: wake and shake is still not supported while any axis is configured as gantry command source.
Home mode 0 makes the current position the home position and no motion is needed. If both hardware limit switches are active home mode 0 would fail.
Home mode 0 has been changed to succeed if both limit switches are active.
The original default value for HOME.PERRTHRESH was 180 degrees. This is much higher than most applications require and can cause unexpected behavior when homing to a hard stop.
The default has been lowered to 45 degrees for more compatibility across applications.
A new keyword has been added that allows the user to define how long gantry position error must exceed the Gantry Position Error Threshold before the fault is thrown. By setting GANTRY.PL.ERRTTHRESH to a non zero value (in seconds) the error must be present for that period of time before the fault is generated.
Homing modes that need an index pulse previously only worked when using feedback 3 via X23. These homing modes now also work if you are using an encoder with a index pulse connected to an SFA via X1 or X2.
Sometimes a user does not want Electronic Gearing to start as soon as the amp is enabled, or if the command source transitions to Electronic Gearing.
If a user disables Autostart, then gearing synchronization will not begin until GEAR.MOVE is manually commanded.
Motor & Power Stage
The most natural and consistent way to select sensorless operation is through the AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE keyword, whose meaning includes the motor control algorithm.
A new value has been added to the AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE selections: Rotary Sensorless PM can be selected with the value 10.
When AXIS#.MOTOR.TYPE = 2 or 10, the drive can spin a motor without a feedback device. Since a feedback device carrying the motor temperature sensor is not available, a different method of setting up temperature measurements is provided. AXIS#.MOTOR.TEMPSOURCE sets the drive connector to which the temperature sensor is connected.
Sensorless PM field oriented control is available in Velocity mode only. If AXIS#.MOTOR.CONTROL is 10 (Rotary Sensorless PM) and AXIS#.OPMODE is not 2 (Velocity), and the axis is disabled, Warning 5103 is reported. Attempting to enable the axis when the warning is present results in Fault 5103.
Version 02-06-00-001 : March 3, 2021
The time when the drive interpolated position setpoints was not synchronized with the fieldbus cycle. Once the drive was running, it would always happen at the same time in the fieldbus cycle, but that time could change when rebooting the drive.
The interpolation is now synchronized to the Sync0 signal, so that it will always happen at the same deterministic time.
Version 02-06-00-000 : February 25, 2021
When using cyclic synchronous position mode at some longer cycle times, the velocity may jump at higher velocities.
An issue in the drive firmware was fixed that corrects for a rollover condition in the position being maintained between fieldbus updates. At the longer fieldbus cycles with higher velocities, the position rolled over and caused the velocity command to step.
A set of new PDO signals were added to provide a mechanism to verify data is updating at the correct times. The 'Input Loopback' object at index 0x300b sub-index 3 and 'Output Loopback' object at index 0x300b sub-index 4 can be mapped into PDOs. The output loopback can be written to by the PLC and the input loopback can be checked to see how long the drive takes to respond to data. Using DC on EtherCAT, the input loopback should update on the next cycle if everything is synchronized correctly.
Object 1C32h sub-index 3 can now be written to configure the delay between the EtherCAT Sync0 signal and the next drive interrupt executing the position loop. The value is also available using the new keyword ECAT.PLLOFFSET.
Object 1C33h sub-index 3 can now be written to configure the delay between the EtherCAT Sync0 signal and where the input data is latched. The value is also available using the new keywords ECAT.INPUTSHIFT and ECAT.INPUTSHIFTU.
See documentation for detailed usage.
New keywords ECAT.SYNC0TIME, ECAT.POSLOOPTIME, ECAT.RXDONETIME, ECAT.TXDONETIME have been added to the firmware and can be used to read the timestamps of various EtherCAT related events.
Passing any non-numeric argument to DRV.READFORMAT causes the drive to crash.
Catch and report back bad non-numeric arguments.
When gearing is stopped and re-activated, it starts moving in the wrong direction first.
When gearing is stopped, position command must follow position feedback, so that when activated, it moves in the right direction.
Version 02-05-05-000 : January 29, 2021
Analog & Digital IO
DRV.HELP for Compare parameters like CMP1.DIR was missing the min, max and default information.
DRV.HELP now includes the min, max and default information.
When using auto feeback identification, FB3.SELECT -1, with an AKM2G motor with a digital EnDat encoder incorrectly identifies the motor as an EnDat Analog. The feedback reports some faults and the position is not updated. This affected AKM2G motors fitted with EnDat feedbacks.
The feedback now correctly identifies the feedback as an EnDat Digital, no faults are reported and the position us updated. Older AKM motors that support the analog signals are still correctly identified as EnDat Analog feedbacks. FB#.INFO now includes the EnDat ordering designation which indicates if the feedback supports analog signals.
When initializing an EEM37 HiperfaceDSL encoder, the encoder sometimes reports an error, which leads to a fault "F4009: Feedback Device-Unique Fault 0" in the drive.
A procedure supplied by encoder manufacturer SICK, to be able to reliably initialize EEM37 encoders, has been implemented in the firmware.
For most types of PROFINET parameters, the single parameter block SINA_PARA_S did not work correctly.
The drive firmware was fixed so that the SINA_PARA_S block can read/write individual parameters correctly.
When writing a string type SDO the data written needed to be the full length of the object. Shorter strings needed to be padded with null characters, but not all EtherCAT master do so automatically.
String type objects can now be written with a shorter string without having to pad the string with null characters.
When starting a motion in DS402 profile position mode, it took the drive multiple milliseconds to actually start the configured motion task. Similarly, the target reached bit in the DS402 status word did not go high until multiple milliseconds after the motion task had finished.
The drive now immediately starts the configured motion task as soon as it receives the command from the DS402 control word, and it sets the target reached bit in the status word in the next fieldbus cycle after finishing the motion task.
When a user tried setting AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID or AXIS#.PROFINET.SUPPTELEGRAMID to select a telegram that was larger than the telegram configured by the PLC, the keyword returned an error and the telegram was not changed.
A user can now select a telegram that is larger than the one configured by the PLC with AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID or AXIS#.PROFINET.SUPPTELEGRAMID. A warning will be active as long as a user selected telegram is larger than the one configured by the PLC.
It was possible to map STW1 and ZSW1 to indices other than 0 in telegram 0 and to the supplemental telegrams, even though doing so leads to an invalid telegram configuration.
Trying to map STW1 or ZSW1 anywhere but index 0 of telegram 0 will create an error.
When switching the DS402 mode of operation from homing mode to any other mode, an active homing procedure would continue running.
An active homing is now stopped when switching the DS402 mode of operation from homing mode to any other mode.
AXIS#.PL.KFB can now be accessed via CAN and EtherCAT via object 500Ch sub-index 13. It is a signed 32 bit integer, scaled to AXIS#.PL.KFB 1000:1.
Startup faults are not stored in the fault history. Examples are SMM failures and Crash-recovery.
Faults are not pushed to Fault History storage till it was ready.
Axis names were only visible periodically in the rotating information in the middle of the display. The drive name was not shown on the display at all.
The axis names have been moved to below the icons for command source and mode of operation. The drive name has been added to the rotating information in the middle of the display.
If homing mode 8, 9 or 10 are started and a hardware limit switch is also active the axis will start moving and can not be stopped with AXIS#.STOP. If the limit switch becomes active while homing mode 8, 9 or 10 is active the axis will stop and homing fails.
Homing modes 8, 9 and 10 will now immediately generate an error if a limit switch is active when homing is started.
Motor & Power Stage
The voltage applied to a brake when power saving is set by AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKEPOWERLOW. The default voltage of 17V is correct but increasing this parameter would reduce the voltage applied to the brake.
AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKEPOWERLOW now correctly controls the voltage applied to the brake.
Version 02-05-04-000 : December 18, 2020
Store Multiturn has been implemented on AKD2G. This feature is similar to Extended Multiturn on AKD1G. It allows a user to save and restore multiturn feedback information on any absolute feedback. Note the Store Multiturn feature has limitations and it is not meant to replace a multiturn absolute feedback.
A new keyword AXIS#.CANOPEN.TARPOSMODE has been added to the firmware. When set to the default value of 0, a drive in profile position mode will set the target reached bit in the DS402 status word (bit 10) once bit 11 of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT is set (trajectory finished and actual position in target position window). When AXIS#.CANOPEN.TARPOSMODE is set to 1, the target reached bit will be set once bit 15 of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT is set (actual position in target position window). The new keyworkd is also accessible through CANopen object 5003h/5103h subindex 9.
Object 6076h 'Motor rated torque' was added to the firmware. Its value is calculated from AXIS#.ICONT and AXIS#.MOTOR.KT.
A memory allocation error was discovered which caused a drive crash if 3+ models were used at once.
Allocation has been fixed to allow use of all four model slots under all conditions.
A new feature has been added for gantry control. Use the new keyword GANTRY.HOME.REQUIRED to specify whether each axis of the gantry needs to be homed before gantry mode is active.
While moving in the positive direction, if the negative limit switch is triggered, motion will stop, and vice versa.
Behavior has been changed so that motion in the opposite direction of a triggered limit switch is allowed. This is particularly helpful if an axis over-travels a limit switch.
Motor & Power Stage
When the motor electrical frequency gets close to the bandwidth of the sensorless algorithm, the phase lag in the estimated commutation angle increases. This can increase the required voltage and current to produce the same amount of torque.
A phase lead compensator is added to the sensorless algorithm.
This phase lead compensator eliminates the phase lag in all velocities, no matter the bandwidth.
One can enable this feature by setting AXIS#.SENSORLESS.ENPHASELEAD to 1.
Version 02-05-03-002 : February 18, 2021
Version 02-05-03-001 : December 2, 2020
Version 02-05-03-000 : November 30, 2020
A fault 3000 occurred when using the ESI-export function of Workbench or the ECAT.PRINTESI command in Workbench-terminal with a dual-axis Safety drive (SIL3).
The timeout is increased from 5 to 8 seconds.
Some Modbus controllers can use function code 6 (write single register) as well as function code 16 (write multiple registers) to read a single register. AKD2G now supports function code 6 in addition to function code 16.
If a fault was present on an axis and the user tried to enable the axis from the CAN or EtherCAT master, the drive would try to clear the fault and a crash would occur.
If a fault is present and the fieldbus master tries to enable, the enable will fail and not complete. Drive faults must be cleared by the user.
For example AXIS1.MT.ACC 100000000000 crashes the drive. Smaller index values return the correct error status.
Values above 4294967295 now return the correct error status.
The Position Loop was being done with double-precision math. This created a scenario if the position command or feedback exceeded 53 bits, resolution would be lost.
The Position Loop has been changed to be done with integer math to ensure all resolution and precision is maintained. As a result PL.FILTERTIME has been replaced by PL.FILTER.FREQ and PL.FILTER.Q.
When both hardware limit switches are active, commanding motion is possible in both directions.
Motion is now blocked in both directions when both hardware limit switches are active.
Depending on the safety variant or the number of axis, the function that can be linked to SOUTs differs. This should be taken into account and we should not let the user see all values.
Enums have been duplicated to match the safety variant and the number of axis. For instance, single axis drive will only be able to link SOUTs to Axis 1 safety function.
Safety function graph is not displaying the SS2 fault reaction correctly. SS2 fault reaction is hardcoded to be STO when it is actually configurable by the user (it could be STO or SS1 Instance 1).
Safety function graph is now looking in the configuration to retrieve the SS2 fault reaction.
Version 02-05-01-000 : October 21, 2020
Action Table
The Action Table Task: Command Buffer only supports 4 sequential commands. This is limiting for some applications.
The Command Buffer has been updated to support 8 sequential commands.
An Action can now be triggered by any existing recordable parameter. To configure, use the new keyword ACTION#.SOURCETEXT and enter any recording parameter. ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE will have its units and range update based on the recording parameter specified.
FB3.LINEPITCH for BISS-C was being scaled to um instead of nm
The scaling for FB3.LINEPITCH for BISS-C was changed to nm
Some linear encoders report an incorrect initial position, with the data representing multi-pitch travel being truncated. The problem was reported for a 26-bit linear BiSS-C encoder, and appears to be present for encoders with less than 32 bits of resolution.
The linear encoder initial position calculation has been fixed.
FB#.CALTHRESH sets the velocity threshold at which the auto-calibration function will continuously update error correction for Sin/Cos and Resolver encoders in electrical Hz.
The default value is 3Hz*512(pole pairs) = 1536Hz (electrical).
This default value is appropriate for Sin/Cos feedback but it is too high for Resolver feedback, which usually has 1 pole pair.
FB#.CALTHRESHRES sets the calibration threshold for Resolver feedback. (default = 3Hz)
FB#.CALTHRESHSINCOS sets the calibration threshold for Sin/Cos feedback. (default = 1536Hz)
The maximum supported steps per revolution for resolver/sin-cos/incremental/... feedbacks is increased from (2^24-1) to (2^32-1).
Resolver and Sin-Cos feedbacks auto-calibrate themselves above the velocity threshold set by FB#.CALTHRESH in electrical Hz.
This feature compensates for mismatches between sin/cos channel gains, sin/cos channel offsets, and phase deviation between sin/cos channels.
Without auto-calibration, any of these deviations or mismatches can create large velocity ripple artifacts.
When trying to use 250uS cycle times with PROFINET, data would not be updated every cycle.
An issue was fixed in the firmware that caused drive outputs to not update every cycle at 250uS cycle times.
Support for Dynamic Servo Control (DSC) has been added along with telegram 5 support.
PROFINET PNUs added to support running safe drive with non-safe PLC
The firmware now supports the 'measurement on the fly' feature of the PROFIdrive sensor interface with two probes, each with positive and negative direction.
When in DS402 mode of operation = Homing the bit 10 of the statusword is set, when the homing is done and the position is in the position window defined by AXIS#.SETTLE.P.
If an axis is enabled with no faults but with a warning then AXIS#.CLRFAULTS would disable the axis. If the axis is enabled and there are not warnings or faults AXIS#.CLRFAULTS would not disable the axis.
AXIS#.CLRFAULTS has been changed to only disable the axis if there is a fault present. The axis stays enabled irrespective of the presence of warnings.
When MODBUS.MAP was executed when a fault is present and a specific mapping is loaded the output sometimes has a few incorrect characters.
The firmware has been changed to always give the correct output.
Each axis has several warnings that stay set after motion is commanded. These can be cleared if new motion is commanded, AXIS#.CLRFAULTS is commanded or the axis is disabled and then re-enabled. These warnings include W6000 and W6014. AXIS#.CLRWARNINGS has been added to allow these warnings to be cleared.
Display main screen now supports gantry command source
When commanding service motion warning 6000 "Last motion command modified" should be generated if the motion exceed the range given by AXIS#.VL.LIMITP and AXIS#.VL.LIMITN. If AXIS#.SM.V1, AXIS#.VL.LIMITP or AXIS#.VL.LIMITN are changed after a continuous service motion, AXIS#.SM.MODE 0 or 2, has started this warning is was not generated and the commanded motion was not mofified to the AXIS#.VL.LIMIT. The warning was correectly generated when using AXIS#.SM.MOVE or reversing motion, AXIS#.SM.MODE 1.
An effect of not modifying the veloicty is that unexpeted position error faults can be generated.
Warning 6000 is now generated when service motion is started or the parameters are modified while moving. The commanded continious motion is also now reduced to AXIS#.VL.LIMIT if AXIS.SM.V1 is greater.
If an axis enters a limit switch while it is gearing the position the axis will ramp down to a stop. While the limit switch is active any further motion of the master is ignored. When the limit swtich is released the axis will attempt gearing synchronization again.
Electronic gearing has been modified so that while inside a limit switch, the axis will do a controlled stop once the limit switch is triggered and servo at this position. Internally the master position is still tracked - when the limit switch is released, or the master position becomes less than the triggered limit switch position, motion will be allowed again.
Version 02-05-00-000 : September 29, 2020
The AKD2G does not set the recovery time for Endat 2.2 feedbacks correctly to short. This is needed for AKM2G safety encoders.
During initialisation the AKD2G sets the recovery time for Endat 2.2 feedbacks correctly to short.
Incremental encoders slowly lose counts over prolonged periods of time because of improper handling of the remainder in the division calculations.
Remainder handling has been fixed. Therefore, output angles are always accurate and will not lose counts.
Object 2040h was created. Subindex 1 is a string to show the hardware revision, Subindex 2 is an UNSIGNED16 showing the software version.
Functional Safety
If an axis with a brake using SBC is moving and SS1 is triggered then the axis will correctly come to a stop. The software disable bit in AXIS#.DISSOURCES is also incorrectly set.
The reaction to SS1 was changed so that the software disable bit in AXIS#.DISSOURCES is not set.
Fault 1000 is reported when the control FPGA major version does not match the version firmware expects.
Fault 1001 is reported when the power FPGA major version does not match the version firmware expects.
Fault 4x27 is reported when the SFA major version does not match the version firmware expects. For example, Fault 4127 is reported if the SFA is connected to FB1 and Fault 4227 if FB2.
The major version occupies the upper 2 digits of the overall version. In the FPGA version string AABB_CC_DD, the major version is given by AA.
FPGA versions are reported in DRV.INFO and SFA#.INFO.
AXIS#.PL.KITHRESH would not engage when crossing the velocity threshold in the negative direction.
This has been fixed to work in the negative velocity direction.
Several issues have been found on the ESI file when configuring the SMM using FSoE parameters
Brake 1 can now only be attached on axis 1. STO and SS1_1 can only be set to "Ready for Activation". SDB readback default value has been fixed. SLP and SCA naming errors have been fixed. SOS range of possible values have been fixed. SLA, SLP and SLS cannot be set to "Always Active" anymore.
If a safe feedback is configured in the safety parameters but if FB#.SELECT does not reflect the physical encoder then the safety system will fail to read the safety file and a reboot will be required
The implemented solution is to automatically reset the safety system when FB#.SELECT is finally set to the right value in order to force a read of the safety file. Reboot is not required anymore.
I/O failure leading to STO without going through SS1_1 are not visible on the safety graph.
change the safety graph to include a new node for I/O failure leading directly to STO.
When SBT is launched from the action table, the user gets not status in case it cannot start because the pre-conditions are not met.
Warning 9012 has been added and it will be activated when SBT is launched from the action table and the pre-confitions are not met. The warning will then be cleared when the SBT pre-conditions will finally be met.
Warning 9013 is added. It is active when the rotary switches value differs from the validated safe ID.
Version 02-04-06-002 : September 15, 2020
Starting homing mode 1 while a hardware limit switch was active in the direction of motion would cause the motor to not move thus prevent homing from completing.
The homing state machine was changed to allow homing mode 1 to complete while a hardware limit switch is active in the direction of motion.
Version 02-04-06-001 : September 1, 2020
When AXIS1.HOME.AUTOMOVE = 1 on a gantry drive (where AXIS2.CMDSOURCE = 4), enabling Axis 1 should initiate homing moves on both axes. However, Axis 2 does not automatically home.
Auto-homing behavior has been fixed, so that enabling Axis 1 causes both Axis 1 and Axis 2 run the homing moves they are configured to perform.
Version 02-04-06-000 : August 24, 2020
Analog & Digital IO
When using the AKD2G drive with wired digital control inputs lines it is convenient to be able to clear faults and not have the software disable set automatically by the drive. Action task 12 is very similar, it will clear faults but it behaves like AXIS.CLRFAULTS and will set the software disable bit in AXIS.DISSOURCES if there was a fault.
This the axis will can immediately enable after the fault is cleared when using this new action task.
Note: The rising edge of the hardware input will clear faults if a fault is present.
When FB# is SFA and FB#.HALLSTATE is selected as a scope channel, the drive crashes. This also applies to FB#.SIGNALAMPLITUDE, FB#.SIGNALSIN and FB#.SIGNALCOS.
The solution is still being worked on, but recording is disabled as a workaround to prevent the drive from crashing.
The commands FBx.HALLSTATE, FBx.SIGNALAMPLITUDE, FBx.SIGNALSIN and FBx.SIGNALCOS when used for SFA feedbacks, can only be used to view the data not record it. The new commands can be used to both view and record Hall State, Amplitude, the Sine and Cosine signals from the SFA feedbacks.
When issuing a quick stop, the controlled stop disable does not always clear.
An issue was fixed in the firmware where the controlled stop disable was not cleared if a fault occurred during the quick stop command.
The serial number and order id that are detected in PROFINET do not match the drive's values.
The internal parameters that are communicated over PROFINET were updated to be correct for the drive being communicated with.
The default Modbus map the drive has when you receive it from the factory or after executing MODBUS.RSTMAP or DRV.RSTVAR only had three parameters in it.
The number of entries in the default map has been increased to include some more parameters for both axis 1 and axis 2.
Keywords for fieldbus motion commands are now available for reading and saving:
The ProfiDRIVE standard signals E_DIGITAL (21), A_DIGITAL (22), E_ANALOG (23) and A_ANALOG (24) are now supported.
Some manufacturer specific PNUs have been made available as signals for mapping in cyclic data:
5901 - AXIS#.PL.ER
23101 - AIN2.VALUE
24151 - AOUT2 fieldbus value
In addition to the LEDs on the fieldbus Ethernet ports that blink on a PROFINET DCP blink command, the drive now also flashes a message on the display.
New keywords AXIS#.PROFINET.ACTUALVALUEDATA and AXIS#.PROFINET.SETPOINTDATA can be used to read the cyclic data exchanged between the drive and the controller in the configured telegram. Similarly, AXIS#.PROFINET.SUPPACTUALDATA and AXIS#.PROFINET.SUPPSETPOINTDATA read the cyclic data exchanged in the configured supplemental telegram.
Real-time jog feature added for standard telegram 9 using STW1 device-specific bits 12 and 13 for on and direction and MDI submode for velocity, acc, and dec.
PROFINET device name and IP settings are now displayed in DRV.INFO and PROFINET.INFO
PROFINET support added for Supplementary Data Telegrams 970, 971, 972, and 973.
The firmware now supports torque mode via Profinet. This includes a new manufacturer specific setting 0x8000 for PNU 930, which activates the drive's torque mode, and cyclic access to AXIS#.FBUS.IL.CMD (signal 5104), AXIS#.IL.FB (signal 5803) and combined AXIS#.IL.LIMITP/N (signal 5829).
User models are not linking blocks correctly when a block tries to duplicate a factory block.
Logic was enhanced to support more complex blocks like biquads and observers so they successfully duplicate.
Some faults, like bus under-voltage, have a controlled stop fault reaction. When these faults are generated the axis will perform a controlled stop down to zero speed before disabling the axis. The axis would incorrectly set the software disable bit in AXIS#.DIOSSOURCES when the axis disables. This is inconsistent with the other faults which will not set the software disable bit when they disable. When using the AKD2G drive with wired digital controlled inputs it is inconvenient to have this behaviour as it requires the software disable bit to be cleared before the axis can be enabled again.
The controlled stop fault reaction now does not set the software enable when the axis disables.
Triggering STO would incorrectly trigger a SW disable in some instances. Beause of this, with AXIS#.STO.REPORTFAULT set, the axis would not generate a fault when it should and when not set the axis would not allow the STO to re-enable as it should. The axis was always physically disabled by the removal of the STO signal. The issue was with not allowing re-enable or reporting the correct fault.
The fault is now always generated.
The default value for AXIS#.UNIT.PROTARY has been 0 (32-bit feedback counts). This value does not match the AKD default, and is an area of confusion when setting up Modbus mapping.
The default value for AXIS#.UNIT.PROTARY has been changed to 4 (16-bit feedback counts) to match AKD.
Before pressing the button to validate the displayed safe Id, the user must wait 2 seconds and then he has 8 seconds to validate
Add progress bars and messages to guide the user and help him pressing the button at the right time
Version 02-04-05-001 : August 6, 2020
DRV.HELP MODBUS.MAP 40001 would not return the correct default value. This would also make DRV.DIFVAR incorrectly report the first six MODBUS.MAP parameters.
DRV.HELP MODBUS.MAP with an idex not correctly returns the correct default.
If you have an action command mapped to a Modbus register, for example MODBUS.MAP 40100 AXIS1.MT.MOVE. and triggered it via Modbus and it generated an error, for example the drive is disabled, then the drive would crash.
The firmware has changed to not crash and log the error.
Single axis drives run the fan at full speed constantly
An issue in the drive firmware was fixed to properly control the fans based on temperature
A bug has been identified when PL.KFB is not unity (1.0), position errors occur each time the amp disables, as well as when performing homing.
Calculations have been re-worked so that PL.KFB is correctly applied in these conditions
If a second order lowpass has its filter value set at or above the nyquist frequency, it can cause an asymptotic calculation.
Second order lowpass filters have been limited to 98% of their nyquist frequency.
Version 02-04-05-000 : July 28, 2020
Action Table
When Enable Axis Task is executed when Axis 2 is configured as Command Source = Gantry, Axis 2 is not enabled.
The Action Task has been re-worked to enabled both axes when Axis 2 is configured as Gantry Command Source.
ACTION.RUNNING, which contains the bits corresponding to Action Rows, now sets a bit high for the duration of the task execution. This is a change from its prior behavior of only going high when the task starts executing.
The behavior of the Action Source, ActionRowRunning, has correspondingly changed. It will have a high value when the task execution for specified Action Row is in progress.
Unclearable faults would display when setting the EtherCat master to Run mode while using an SFA.
A bug in the firmware was fixed to handle EtherCat Run mode while using the SFA.
FB#.RES was off by a factor of 1000 when using the SFA with Incremental and Sine Encoders on a linear motor
The scaling for Incremental and Sine encoders on a linear motor was changed to give the correct FB#.RES value
Issuing an NMT reset via CAN did not reset PDO mapping back to default.
An bug in the firmware was fixed to handle NMT reset commands correctly.
This keyword returns the current value of the PROFIdrive state machine along with a text string.
Fieldbus now supports analog velocity and torque modes. The mode of operation object (6060h) can be set to -1 for analog torque and -2 for analog velocity.
CANBUS.PRINTEDS keyword added to generate and print CANopen electronic data sheet (EDS) file.
A CANOpen object has been added for AXIS#.IL.BW at index 0x500A subindex 22.
Modbus is now supported.
See the documentation for a description of the Modbus features supported.Details:
Standard telegram 0 can now be used to map custom signals.
AXIS#.PROFINET.SIGNALLIST (p923) will retrieve the list of available signals.
AXIS#.PROFINET.TELEGRAMID (p922) can be used to select the telegram id and is saved to NV.
AXIS#.PROFINET.SETPOINTMAP (p915) and AXIS#.PROFINET.ACTUALVALUEMAP (p916) allow setting up the mappings for the telegram and are saved to NV.
Note: the mappings are only writable when telegram 0 is selected
PROFIdrive parameters were added to support rebooting the drive, NV reset, NV save, and NV load. P972 - Writing a 1 to this PNU will reboot the drive. Note that the current connection will be lost after writing this value. On start-up it will read 0. P976 - Writing a 1 to this PNU will perform DRV.NVSAVE. It will remain 1 until the save is complete, at which time it will change to 0. P977 - Writing a 1 to this PNU will perform DRV.RSTVAR, resetting writable parameters back to defaults. A 2 will perform DRV.NVLOAD. The value written will remain until the operation is complete, at which time it will change back to 0.
FLASH.DIR and DRV.FILES doesn't contain all Power Board files or SFA files.
FLASH.DIR and DRV.FILES updated to include all Power Board and SFA files when SFA is connected.
Added two new keywords that will display the thresholds for the control board temperature fault and warning
Motor & Power Stage
1- AXIS#.IL.MI2T keyword used to report motor I2T value in %.
2- AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESH was set to minimum of peak currents of motor and drive by default.
3- AXIS#.IL.FOLDWTHRESH was set to zero by default.
1- Now, AXIS#.IL.MI2T keyword reports motor RMS current value scaled such that motor continuous current will result in 100%.
2- Now, AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESH is set to zero, by default. Note that this is a NV parameter.
3- AXIS#.IL.FOLDWTHRESH was set to minimum of peak currents of motor and drive by default. Note that this a NV parameter.
AXIS#.MOTOR.RSOURCE indicates whether the motor thermal sensor, if present, is connected through a discrete wire (value 0) or a digital feedback (value 1).
SD Card
When the option to "Restore Firmware" or "Restore Params" is selected, the drive displays all the drive names stored in the SD Card of the same drive type as the current drive. When one of these drive names are selected, the associated firmware or NV parameters is loaded.
Version 02-04-04-003 : July 21, 2020
Version 02-04-04-002 : July 15, 2020
Motor & Power Stage
Preferred default behavior is to report a warning when the thermal capacity algorithm begins to limit current, and to allow the algorithm to operate fully to continuous current without faulting. The default has been to fault as soon as the algorithm begins to limit current.
The default value of AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESHU has changed to zero, and the default value of AXIS#.IL.FOLDWTHRESH has changed to axis peak current. If these values have previously been set and saved as NV parameters, the saved values will continue to be used.
For consistency with AKD1G and to meet customer expectations, AXIS#.IL.MI2T should be reported as percentage of thermal capacity in units of current. It has been reported in units of squared current (power).
AXIS#.IL.MI2T is now percentage of thermal capacity in units of current.
Version 02-04-04-001 : July 7, 2020
Action Table
Some applications need to set Axis 2 command source to Gantry using the Action Table.
Gantry command source has been added to the list of options for Action Task 27 (Set Axis Command-Source and Op-Mode).
Some applications use the USER.INT# parameters to save and check state information across a drive reset.
USER.INT# parameters are now non-volatile. They are managed as part of the drive's configuration using DRV.NVSAVE and DRV.NVLOAD.
Edge-triggered Action Table actions can no longer rely on the Action Source 23 (User Variable) having value 0 at power-up. The corresponding USER.INT# value needs to be reset before setting it to the Condition Value that triggers the action.
Version 02-04-04-000 : June 30, 2020
Action Table
Current Feedback added as Action Table source
The "Action Row Running" source can be used to determine whether a specific Action Row is getting executed (i.e. whether the Action Condition is being satisfied).
Support for Endat Digital on FB5 (X22 connector) has been added.
A new recordable keyword, AXIS#.PROFINET.SOLFAILCNT has been added that returns the current sign of life error count.
An issue was identified when using Home Mode 19 (Gantry Homing) where Axis one would start homing but axis 2 would not.
A logic issue was identified and fixed to prevent this from happening.
If Ethernet packets are sent at a high rate, the drive crashs because of a watchdog
The Ethernet stack is throttled when it can't process it fast enough, and a warning, 3001, is presented to the LCD Display, during this condition.
Version 02-04-03-000 : June 24, 2020
Action Table
If the user wishes to remove text from the ACTION#.TASKTEXT parameter there was no option to clear this.
If the user issues ACTION#.TASKTEXT clear, it will clear the stored text within the command.
FB#.RES returned the resolution value for a rotary motor type when FB#.MECHTYPE was set to linear.
FB#.RES now uses FB#.LINEPITCH to calculate resolution for Incremental and Sine encoders when FB#.MECHTYPE is set to linear.
Display shows user logo during boot/startup. Logo can also be viewed from main display menu by navigating to and selecting Contact Info. User logo can be stored on SD card or in flash. SD card takes priority over flash.
A Velocity Observer has been implemented. It can be configured by setting the gain AXIS#.OBS.KO, bandwidth AXIS#.OBS.BW and turning it on by using AXIS#.OBS.ENABLED.
The command DISPLAY.AXISORDER allows the user to change the order of Axes shown on the display.
Motor & Power Stage
AXIS#.IL.MI2T calculation method is changed.
Hereafter, AXIS#.IL.MI2T will show the I^2t value of the motor in percentage. The I^2t value is scaled such that if the user applies I_continuous for a long time, this keyword will return 100%.
Version 02-04-02-001 : June 11, 2020
Action Table
The 5000 msec maximum command buffer delay (maximum value of DRV.CMDDELAY) is not sufficient for some applications.
The maximum value of DRV.CMDDELAY has been extended to 25000 msec.
When using IRT input packets are delayed by a cycle and 250uS cycle times cause sign of life errors.
Issues have been fixed in the PROFINET stack that allows cycle times down to 250uS and fixed input delays found in previous version.
On Profinet drives, netX firmware images need to be downloaded in a compressed zip format to fit in the available flash memory.
Support for netX compressed images has been added to drive firmware.
Version 02-04-02-000 : June 7, 2020
The data reported by FB#.SIGNALSIN actually matches FB#.SIGNALCOS, and vice versa.
FB#.SIGNALSIN now report sine data, and FB#.SIGNALCOS reports cosine data.
Support for BiSS-C on FB5 (X22 connector) has been added.
Beta PROFINET support has been added: Features:
- Telegrams 1, 2, 3, 7, and 9 are supported>
- IRT/RT to 1ms is supported currently>
- Multi-axis is supported>
- Multi-parameter access is supported>
- ProfiDrive fault buffer supported>
- IRT drive input packets (PLC outputs) are delayed by one cycle>
- Not all keywords are supported as PNUs>
- Dynamic telegram (Telegram 0)>
- Dynamic servo control (DSC - Telegram 5) >
- Homing support>
- Probe support>
- Safety (Cfg through WorkBench, not ProfiSAFE)>
- WorkBench PROFINET view>
A CANopen object has been added for AXIS#.MOTOR.NAME at index 0x500B, subindex 33.
Display shows Kollmorgen logo during boot/startup. Logo can also be viewed from main display menu by navigating to and selecting Contact Info.
LCD Display has a new top-level menu item for an SD Card which has a sub-menu supporting backup/restore of firmware and parameters
SD.BACKUP backs up the drive to the SD Card.
SD.LOADFW restores the stored user image from the SD Card and loads it to flash.
Version 02-04-01-001 : May 19, 2020
Action Table
When ACTIONx.TASKTEXT contained one command, it crashes the drive when action row was activated and executed.
The drive firmware was updated to prevent the crash and execute the command correctly.
Version 02-04-01-000 : May 15, 2020
Not every keyword that was recordable could be used as a trigger
Every recordable keyword has been given the ability to be used as a trigger on the scope
Two new keywords, SD.SAVEPARAM and SD.LOADPARAM have been added. SD.SAVEPARAM saves NV Parameters to the SD Card, and SD.LOADPARAM restores the NV parameters from the SD Card.
Three new keywords, SD.BACKUP, SD.STATUS and SD.INFO have been added. SD.BACKUP backs up the firmware and parameters to the SD card. SD.STATUS displays the status of the SD Card, whether it is inserted, write-protected or ready. SD.INFO prints out the disk usage on the SD Card.
New user scratchpad variables USER.INT# and ACTION#.SOURCE “User Variable". User variables can be mapped to Modbus to support triggering Actions over Modbus.
If Add Gearing Position was triggered at the same time as "Activate Gearing" the position offset would not work correctly
A logic bug was fixed that now ensures the position offset is added correctly.
Noisy feedbacks made it difficult to configure zero speed detection for a controlled stop.
The AXIS#.ZEROACC keyword was added to allow the user to configure their own acceleration threshold for the zero speed check.
Added a new read only keyword which will show the filtered acceleration value
Home Mode 19 has been added. When axis 2 is configured for Home Mode 19, all of the settings and signals will be used from Axis 1 (configured inputs, index and mechanical zero signals). This mode is intended to help with commissioning of Gantry systems.
New keywords have been created AXIS#.JOG.V, JOG.ACC and JOG.DEC which define the jog motion. To start a jog motion, execute the command AXIS#.JOG.MOVEP for positive jog and AXIS#.JOG.MOVEN for negative jog.
Motor & Power Stage
Current offset nulling algorithm does not report a fault when sample to sample discrepancy goes above 2% of drive's peak current.
Current offset nulling algorithm detects a fault when sample to sample discrepancy goes above 2% of drive's peak current. Clearing this fault resets the algorithm, allowing the algorithm to measures the offset again.
In the ESI file, in the part describing the safety parameters, the entries 0x3154 (SS1_2) are duplicated and the entries 0x3155 (SS1_3) are missing
Firmware and ESI file are fixed
Safety keyword consistency
Some safety keywords have been renames to be more consistent with standard and Workbench description
Version 02-04-00-001 : April 29, 2020
Version 02-04-00-000 : April 14, 2020
Version 02-03-04-002 : April 7, 2020
When quick stop mode was set to stay enabled and the quick stop command was issued during a profile position move, the motor could jump when the quick stop was cleared.
The drive firmware was updated to zero out the profile position command when a quick stop was initiated.
Up until now controlled stop (including when initiated by a limit switch) would turn off the position loop which allowed the axis to drift. Now the position loop is left on and wil hold position until the axis is commanded in the opposite direction of the limit.
When trying to connect with WorkBench after disconnecting, and the drive is on a different subnet, the drive sends back a bad response so WorkBench is unable to connect.
Targeted discovery requests, even if from a different subnet, return the correct IP address so WorkBench connections will succeed.
Also see the keyword IP.DEFAULTINTERFACE used when both EoE and Service interfaces are used to connect to the drive from a different subnet.
Version 02-03-04-001 : April 1, 2020
Several analog input keywords were added to the EtherCat/CAN object dictionary.
- AIN#.CUTOFF - 3780/3781h sub 2>
- AIN#.DEADBANDMODE - 3780/3781h sub 3>
- AIN#.DEADBAND - 3780/3781h sub 4>
- AIN#.OFFSET - 3780/3781h sub 5>
- AXIS#.IL.AINSCALE - 500A/510Ah sub 20>
- AXIS#.IL.AINSOURCE - 500A/510Ah sub 21>
- AXIS#.PL.AINSOURCE - 500C/510Ch sub 12>
- AXIS#.VL.AINSOURCE - 5011/5111h sub 32>
Version 02-03-04-000 : March 25, 2020
The AKD2G variant names in the EtherCAT ESI file are not consistent with the label printed on the drive.
The new variant names in the ESI file are now the following: AKD2G Single Axis FS1, AKD2G Single Axis FS2, AKD2G Single Axis FS3, AKD2G Dual Axis FS1, AKD2G Dual Axis FS2, and AKD2G Dual Axis FS3. The names of the safety modules have also been changed according to the drive variant names.
The information, that the axis current / torque is actually limited, is now displayed in bit 6 of the CANopen manufacturer status (object 50EFh sub 1 / 51EFh sub 1) and in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT bit 18
Added a new keyword IP.PROTOCOL with which user can allow SSH access.
For axes that are mechanically coupled, it is difficult to perfectly align homing signals. To compensate for this a new keyword AXIS#.HOME.OFFSETUSER has been created.
Its ideal use case is when there is a current offset between axes that are mechanically coupled.
Version 02-03-03-000 : March 3, 2020
AXIS#.PL.KFB and AXIS#.VL.KFB are intended to scale AXIS#.PL.FB and AXIS#.VL.FB respectively. The gains take effect in the control loops but do not scale the feedback keywords.
AXIS#.PL.KFB and AXIS#.VL.KFB now scale the AXIS#.PL.FB and AXIS#.VL.FB keywords, as well as scaling the internal control loop signals. Among other uses, this allows setting the direction of a position and velocity loop feedback in a dual loop application, by assigning AXIS#.PL.KFB and AXIS#.VL.KFB positive or negative values as appropriate.
The value of ACTION#.ACTIVE cannot be written using the available CANopen object.
EtherCAT access for ACTION#.ACTIVE is now read/write.
A customer had some bad wiring (transposition of CAN-L and CAN-GND) on their CAN connection, which caused the Zynq CAN controller to remain in config mode without any fault display (only unclear statements in LOG.LIST).
Now a Fault 7006 is created under this circumstances with more explicit statements in the LOG.LIST.
If a feedback faults, the receiver of the Emergency message can not determine which feedback generated it.
In the manufacturer byte, which was used to show the axis number with bit 0 and bit 1, now bits 4 to 7 (byte 3 of the EMCY message) contain the number of the feedback that generated the fault (Numbering starts with a 1 for feedback 1).
A CANopen object has been added for AXIS#.HOME.SWITCHSOURCE at index 0x5008, subindex 10.
Functional Safety
When using SAFE.MONITOR*.DATA to return e.g. velocity values from a safety feedback, the returned value is always positive.
This issue is now fixed and SAFE.MONITOR*.DATA returns also negative values.
A new keyword AXIS#.SAFE.ACTIVE is a bit encoded value which shows the active safety functions. This value is also available over EtherCat via 5007h subindex 5 and 5107h subindex 5.
Added a new keyword SAFE.IDANDCRC which returns the safe id and the safe crc value combined as a single value.
A new keyword SAFE.ID has been added, this return the actual safe id from the SMM.
The SAFE.CRC keyword now returns only the safe crc from the SMM.
Motor & Power Stage
The following two keywords are created to report the "thermal load" of the drive and motor, also known as I2T, respectively:
0% means the peak current can be applied without any current limitation. 100% means that the maximum applicable current is the continuous current.
For more information about these keywords, please refer to the user documents.
Version 02-03-02-000 : January 24, 2020
Action Table
A bug was identified if text was supplied to a numeric keyword on ACTION#.TASKTEXT, the drive would crash.
Additionally, if multiple commands were entered into a command buffer with Text as the value, the same text would be used for each target keyword.
Command parsing has been fixed to use separated strings for each destination keyword in the command buffer, and numeric parsing has been fixed to return an error if an invalid value is passed in.
A numbering conflict exists between Fault 5001 (Brake 1 current out of range) and Warning 5001 (Brake override active).
Additionally, Faults 5001 and 5002 (Current out of range for both Brake 1 and 2) can be split into separate over and under current faults on drives with SMM hardware.
Reassign Warning 5001 (Brake override active) to Warning 5008.
Create new faults for drives with SMM hardware:
- Fault 5011 (Brake 1 under current)
- Fault 5012 (Brake 2 under current)
- Fault 5013 (Brake 1 over current)
- Fault 5014 (Brake 2 over current)
A bug was identified if motion was being commanded in Service mode, then that motion was "stopped", if the drive was put into Gearing mode, the gearing wouldn't auto-start, but would start the second time.
Gearing now successfully enters gearing mode on the first attempt.
Version 02-03-01-000 : December 19, 2019
Firmware now supports HIPERFACE Analog on X23 and SFA.
When executing a movement in profile position mode or a homing procedure in homing mode, the move or the homing procedure could be finished in less than one fieldbus cycle. In that case there was no change in the DS402 statusword that indicated that the movement or homing was actually done.
A new keyword AXIS#.CANOPEN.STATUSEDGETIME has been added to the firmware. After starting a homing procedure or a profile position movement via the DS402 controlword, the homing attained bit or the target reached bit is guaranteed to be zero for the duration configured in AXIS#.CANOPEN.STATUSEDGETIME.
The EtherCAT-master with DC-support should decide, if the drive should use its pll, and not a parameter.
In non-DC-mode the parameter ECAT.USEPLL may be used to decide for not using the pll with EtherCAT for low-performance EtherCAT masters. In DC-mode the master decides.
The drive now supports the Ethernet over EtherCAT protocol. When using the drive with an EtherCAT master supporting the protocol, Ethernet frames can be tunneled through an EtherCAT connection, which allows connecting to the drive with WorkBench, without the need of a separate ethernet connection to the drive's service port.
Bit 13 of the DS402 statusword is set in profile position or cyclic synchronous position mode, when the following error fault F6001 is active. With the new keyword AXIS#.CANOPEN.PLERRMODE set to one, the drive will also set the bit, when the following error warning W6001 is active.
LCD display now shows state of STO signals.
If action task 11, controlled stop and stay enabled, is used to stop an axis that is moving using the AXIS#.VL.CMDU keyword the axis will decelerate to a stand still and stay at a zero speed until the digital input is released. After the digital input is released the axis would start moving again, all other motion types the motion is cancelled.
The drive will now zero the AXIS#.VL.CMDU command during the controlled stop.
If an axis has a limit switch active and is slowing down and a controlled stop is also requested the axis will immediately disable.
The firmware has been changed so that the axis continues to decelerate to zero speed.
When overshooting a motion task target position, the drive will trigger a fault F6004 and disable. The new keyword AXIS#.FAULT6004.ACTION can be used to disable this fault. In this case the trajectory will initially overshoot and then move back to the target position.
Version 02-03-00-000 : November 27, 2019
Action Table
A new Action Table Task has been added, the Command Buffer. To use it, set the Task Type to Command Buffer, then enter a semi-colon delimited string of commands into the keyword ACTION#.TASKTEXT.
When the task is executed all of the commands you entered will be queued and executed sequentially.
When the drive was in a service motion and the workbench is connected to the drive. It can happen that it creates a velocity spike or a drive fault. This happens only on drive with a Hiperface DSL encoder.
The behavior is fixed on the drive. When a Hiperface DSL encoder is connected and the workbench connects to the drive, the motion behaves normal.
Keywords AXIS#.DISVTHRESH and AXIS#.DISTVTHRESH could be used to configure conditions in which the motor would be considered as being at zero velocity and AXIS#.ISSETTLED could be read to see if those condition were met. The keyword names did not reflect the keywords' function.
The keywords were changed from AXIS#.DISVTHRESH to AXIS#.ZEROV, from AXIS#.DISTVTHRESH to AXIS#.ZEROT and from AXIS#.ISSETTLED to AXIS#.ZEROREACHED. When upgrading the firmware, saved values of AXIS#.DISVTHRESH and AXIS#.DISTVTHRESH will be loaded into AXIS#.ZEROV and AXIS#.ZEROT. When downgrading firmware, after saving parameters with the new firmware, AXIS#.DISVTHRESH and AXIS#.DISTVTHRESH will be set to their default values.
Adding a delay keyword for the command buffer feature. This command allows the user to add a delay between commands.
If a motion was being commanded that resulted in the current command saturating, the velocity integrator would wind up very high. When the user requested the axis to stop, the integrator would need to dissipate before the axis would - giving the behavior of taking a long time to stop.
A bug was found with the integrator anti-windup. The anti-windup mechanism has been fixed and no longer affects AXIS#.STOP behavior.
Version 02-02-05-000 : November 15, 2019
Action Table
For a drive with a safety option, the safe inputs and safe outputs can be mapped as action table sources.
The task for "Setting CmdSource and Opmode" can be triggered by any edge-triggered condition. There are also two new conditions for triggering on activation assuming implicit edges (e.g., when the level is HIGH and the edge is rising).
Firmware now supports BiSS-B Analog rotary on X23 and SFA.
If a velocity command is issued in EtherCat position velocity (PV) mode, stopped, and then the mode is switched to profile position (PP) or cyclic synchronous position (CSP), the position command will jump.
An issue in firmware was fixed that did not properly reset the internal position to the current position when switching operation modes.
Bit 12 of DS402 statusword was not influenced by velocity in Profile Velocity mode
The DS402 statusword Bit 12 is now set to 1, if the velocity is near 0 in the Profile Velocity mode.
Drive doesn't boot up because of incompatible EDS parameters
Firmware has been fixed so drive no longer hangs because of incompatible EDS parameters
1) Faults are thrown on FB3 when X23.MODE is not feedback.
2) Feedback not reset and initialized when X23.MODE changes to Feedback
Firmware has been changed to not report faults when X23.MODE isn't feedback. Feedback is now reset when X23.MODE changes to Feedback.
If IL.OFFSET has been set before commutation is successfully established, uncontrolled motion may result.
If IL.OFFSET is non-zero and W&S is armed, a warning will be thrown alerting the user.
If the amp is enabled while this condition exists, a fault will be thrown.
If a controlled stop with disable (action task 10) is requested while an axis is already performing a controlled stop that does not disable (action task 11) the axis will come to a stop but will not disable.
The drive will now disable.
During re-enable, a short velocity spike could be seen when in velocity mode (command source service or fieldbus). Depending on the acceleration/deceleration limit setting, the velocity spike command could take longer to be removed.
The issue can be resolved by updating the firmware. The velocity command now is set properly back to zero after re-enable in velocity mode (command source service or fieldbus).
Bit 4 of AXIS#.MOTIONDISSOURCES now indicates that motion is not allowed because Wake and Shake is active.
Version 02-02-04-000 : October 17, 2019
New screen added to configure and apply IP settings.
Version 02-02-03-000 : October 8, 2019
Action Table
A new task (Task 25) has been added to the Action Table. This new task allows releasing of the brake, e.g. the brake can be released via a digital input.
Temperature keywords DRV.TEMP and AXIS#.TEMP are now available via fieldbus objects 3000h sub 8 and 5000h/5100h sub 16 respectively.
An issue has been discovered where running the drive under low voltage supply, the supply can then be removed, and re-applied without faulting the drive.
Additional logic has been added to the in rush relay, any time the inrush opens, a under voltage fault will be generated, preventing unexpected starting of the power stage.
The dual axis drive can now be configured as a Gantry for applications requiring tight synchronization between multiple axes. To start this mode, set AXIS#.CMDSOURCE = 4 (GANTRY). See documentation for more details.
New screens added to display digital out and bidirectional states.
These keywords are no longer active.
Version 02-02-02-001 : September 26, 2019
The default multi-axis PDO mapping did not permit controlling both axes in TwinCAT 2 without modification.
The default PDO mappings for multi-axis utilize one PDO per axis. TwinCAT 2 now will map both axes properly and permit control of both without modification.
EtherCat now supports padding PDO entries using index 0000h and sub-index 00h.
For example, writing 0x00000010 as an entry will reserve 2 bytes in the PDO.
Version 02-02-02-000 : September 16, 2019
Action Table
The following Source and Task types are added to the action table:
Source 22- Feedback Fault: edge triggered, can be used to start an action when a feedback fault is detected.
Task 24- Fault Axis: can be used to trigger an "Action Table Fault" in a specific axis.
Using this task/source combination, one can set up an action to get faults in Axis(n) when a fault happens in Feedback(m).
Action table keywords are not exposed to EtherCat and CAN via objects 3900h-3909h.
The standard object 605Ah is now available. This object allows for specifying how the drive reacts when commanded to perform a quick stop (bit 2) with the control word.
Bit 10 (Target Reached) is now set in the status word when motion is halted via the control word and the motor has reached zero velocity.
New screen added to display digital input states.
The minimum and maximum values for VL.LIMITP/LIMITN were 30000 RPM which is different to the documentation and inconsistent with AXIS#.VL.THRESH.
The minimum and maximum values for VL.LIMITP/LIMITN has been changed to 15000 RPM to match the documentation.
Motor & Power Stage
When DC Mains is used, the nominal dc voltage must be set using this keyword if different from drive's default nominal voltage.
VBUS.DCOPERATION determines whether DC or AC mains is used.
Note that when VBUS.DCOPERATION = 1, then, VBUS.ACNOMINAL and VBUS.THREEPHASE are not used. Likewise, when VBUS.DCOPERATION = 0, then, VBUS.DCNOMINAL is not used.
Version 02-02-01-000 : August 21, 2019
Added axis object (500Ah sub 17) to limit axis current based on percent of axis peak current.
The firmware now supports parameter file over FoE
Acceleration should be scaled in velocity units / s, but it is currently scaled in position units /s.
A bug was fixed in the drive firmware where the velocity factor was not used in the acceleration scaling factor.
CANopen object 6097h is defined in the CANopen drive profile specification DS402. It is part of the factor group and provides a scale factor that is applied to all acceleration values.
Homing an axis via AXIS#.HOME.MOVE calculates and sets AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET. That offset should remain unchanged when the drive is rebooted, but was set to 0 instead.
The drive now correctly loads the home offset set via AXIS#.HOME.MOVE when rebooting.
If an axis has a feedback fault and no feedback connected and feedback auto-identify selected with FB#.SELECT -1 then AXIS#.EN can generate F3000 and F3005 Faults on both axes. This can also be seen with the axis enable button in WorkBench. These timeout faults are reported because the AXIS#.EN tries to clear the fault and this takes longer then the default timeout.
The DRV.HELP for AXIS#.EN now has an extended timeout of 20s which is the same timeout for AXIS#.CLRFAULTS.
For axis commands the command timeout fault F3000 is now only generated on that axis.
F3005 was a watchdog fault that was incorrectly being reported in this case. The watchdog is nolonger being reported in this case.
When homing an axis using AXIS#.HOME.MOVE, disabling the axis and issuing AXIS#.HOME.CLEAR, bits 1 and 2 in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT were initially cleared, but were set again the next time the axis was enabled.
AXIS#.HOME.CLEAR not properly clears bits 1 and 2 of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT.
Thread watchdog fault (3005) set when command timeout occurs. Thread watchdog fault can't be cleared by AXIS#.CLRFAULTS
Firmware no longer sets thread watchdog fault when command timeout occurs. Thread watchdog fault can be cleared using AXIS#.CLRFAULTS.
On EtherCat drives without the X22 connector, an unclearable fault would be generated.
An issue in firmware was fixed where feedback 5 was being incorrectly referenced.
When interrupting a motion task during its constant velocity phase by another task with the same velocity but a smaller deceleration the trajectory velocity showed a short spike before decelerating. Depending on the magnitude of the difference in deceleration, this could cause large unexpected motion of the motor.
The firmware has been changed to correctly transition between motion tasks with the same velocity and different deceleration.
When using homing modes 1, 2 or 3 the axis will search for the limit switch at the full AXIS#.HOME.V speed. When it finds a falling edge of the limit switch it decelerates to zero speed and then starts to move backwards to find the rising edge of the limit switch. This move back towards the limit switch is done at the full AXIS#.HOME.V speed.
Moving at a slower speed improves the accuracy of the home position.
Homing modes 1, 2 and 3 have been changed to search for the rising edge of the limit switch with a speed reduced by AXIS#.HOME.CREEPFACTOR.
Motor & Power Stage
VBUS.DCOPERATION {=0/1} keyword is created.
This parameter indicates whether the mains input is DC or AC.
If the mains input in DC and it is connected to DC+/DC- terminals, not setting this parameter to 1 will cause “AC input phase loss” error.
If using DC mains, Kollmorgen recommends that the mains input is connected to RST terminal as opposed to DC+/DC- terminal.
The reason is that the voltage of DC+/DC- may go above the mains voltage in regenerative breaking mode, and this can damage the DC power supply feeding the drive.
Version 02-02-00-001 : August 2, 2019
Action Table
When using ACTION#.TASK 15 (Set Analog Output) with some of the sources the range of ACTION#.TASKPARAM reported by DRV.HELP was incorrectly reported as from 0 to 0.
The range of ACTION#.TASKPARAM is now reported correctly.
Analog & Digital IO
When using the action table and selecting ACTION#.SOURCE 13 (Analog Input) would not trigger actions at the correct threshold or output a signal of the correct magnitude.
The firmware was changed to correctly scale the analog input value correctly.
The EtherCAT touch probe was not capturing the distributed clock correctly.
The firmware was changed to correctly capture the distributed clock correctly.
Version 02-02-00-000 : July 23, 2019
Functional Safety
The brake consistency warning would be triggered when SBC was not configured, AXIS1.MOTOR.BRAKE = 1, and BRAKE1.AXIS = 0. Since SBC was not configured, we shouldn't get a brake inconsistent warning.
When no SBC is configured, no brake parameter consistency check is performed. It is up to the user to verify they have AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKE and BRAKE#.AXIS assigned correctly.
New screens added so user can home axis using display
Motor & Power Stage
Fast on/off transitions of ac mains will cause high inrush currents that can possibly damage the drive and the protective fuse.
When ac mains is disconnected, the new algorithm detects a "phase loss fault", disables the drive, and opens the inrush relay. User must clear this fault in order to reset the inrush relay state machine. This mechanism will protect against high inrush currents when fast ac mains on/off transitions happen.
Version 02-01-05-000 : July 10, 2019
The parameters AXIS#.ACC and AXIS#.DEC were taken out. The access to sub-indexes 2 and 3 were delivering an abort code "object does not
exist". They should deliver "sub-index does not exist".
The access to the sub-indexes is fixed. Names are changed to Reserved
index subindex. The indexes are now read-only.
A new object to access AXIS#.CMDSOURCE was added at 5000h sub 14
When using the Sil2 drive variant, the only way to know if the drive was disabled due to STO was to monitor the axis manufacturer status object 50EFh/51EFh. PDO mappable STO specific objects are now available for AXIS#.SAFE.STO.ACTIVE, AXIS#.SAFE.STO.A, and AXIS#.SAFE.STO.B at 5007h/5107h sub 2, 3, and 4.
Some temperature-reporting keyword names were confusing.
The following read-only key word names have been changed:
HW.TEMP1 >> DRV.TEMP (control board temperature)
HW.TEMP2 >> AXIS1.TEMP (axis 1 power board temperature)
HW.TEMP3 >> AXIS2.TEMP (axis 2 power board temperature)
New screens added so user can save NV paramters using display
The offset stored in AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET when homing an axis will now be kept when power cycling the drive. A new keyword AXIS#.HOME.CLEAR can be used to clear the stored information. Another new keyword AXIS#.HOME.MULTITURNMODE can be set to configure the behavior of the homing status bits in AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT.
Version 02-01-04-000 : June 27, 2019
Action Table
A new source (Source 21 - Compare Digital Inputs) has been added to the action table. This source includes all Digital Inputs and DIO pins. The ACTION#.SOURCEPARAM is used to mask out inputs and the ACTION#.CONDITIONVALUE is an and operation over all masked inputs.
The CANopen spec defines bit 11 of the status word (object 6040h) as internal limit active. This is now implemented and controlled by the following conditions:
* Set if motion is being commanded into a limit switch and clears when moving out of a limit switch
* Set if a controlled stop is in progress (SS1, action table, etc.) and clears once the controlled stop is complete...note: the drive will usually be disabled at the end of most controlled stop actions and this bit will clear. If using ACTION#.TASK 11 this bit will remain active as long as the action is active
* Set while W&S is active
New objects were created to monitor faults on all feedbacks:
3001h sub0 is a U32 representing drive status. It contains bits indicating if a feedback has an active fault
3505h-3509h, each sub-index contains the first five currently active fault numbers for FB1-FB5
Functional Safety
AXIS#.SAFE.STO.REPORTFAULT is now accessible via EtherCat and CANBus using object 5007h sub 1
When AXIS#.ENDEFAULT was set to enable the drive on start-up, the drive could potentially crash if feedback detection took a long time.
A firmware issue was fixed around AXIS#.ENDEFAULT to prevent the drive from crashing when attempting to enable during start-up.
AXIS#.HOME.OFFSET can be used to read the position offset resulting from execution of a homing procedure.
Added support for following feedback type:
- SFA - SFD (Smart Feedback Device) (141)
The drive-level acceleration/deceleration keywords were often a blocking feature-level accel/decel settings.
We have removed drive-level accel/decel settings, and now motion is defined entirely at the feature level. Controlled stop has its own deceleration, motion tasks have their own deceleration, service motion, etc.
Version 02-01-03-000 : May 21, 2019
Action Table
The actual scaling unit when using analog output was V/unit.
The new scaling unit when using analog output is now unit/V.
Faults not updated until returning to previous screen
Fault screen now updates when faults change
Drive boots with SFA communication fault when SFA feedback is selected
Fixed issue with motor temperature read causing communication fault
Added SFA support for following feedback types:
- SFA - Incremental Encoder with Halls (110)
- SFA - Incremental Encoder without Halls (111)
Motor & Power Stage
When AC mains voltage is inconsistent with VBUS.ACNOMINAL, a warning is given and inrush relay is prevented from closing.
Version 02-01-02-002 : June 6, 2019
Functional Safety
When using a single axis safety drive, FSoE transactions are not processed and drive cannot clear STO.
An issue was fixed in the firmware to process FSoE PDOs for single axis drives.
Version 02-01-02-001 : May 15, 2019
The line pitch scaling (FB#.LINEPITCH) for linear Incremental Encoder, Sine Encoder, and BiSS-C Digital (feedback types 10,11,20,21,34) is incorrect.
The line pitch scaling for the affected feedback types has been fixed.
Version 02-01-02-000 : May 10, 2019
Action Table
Motion task in position action source (7) is set when any motion task reaches target position. Customer would like the option to have it set when a specific motion task reaches position.
ACTION#.SOURCEPARAM has been added and can be used to configure a specific motion task for the Motion Task In Position source. Values 0-31 specify a motion task number. The default value -1 retains the earlier behavior, i.e. the trigger occurs when any motion task is in position (see AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT and MT in position bit)
Some applications need to trigger an action when a specific motion task completes. This has not been possible with the Move Complete action source, which has triggered when any motion task sequence on an axis completes.
ACTION#.SOURCEPARAM has been added and can be used to configure a specific motion task for the Move Complete source. Values 0-31 specify a motion task number. The default value -1 retains the earlier behavior, i.e. the trigger occurs at the completion of any motion task sequence.
Analog & Digital IO
When driving an analog output from the action table the output voltage can be reported outside the 0 to 10V range the output supports.
The firmware has been changed so that the analog output is always within the 0 to 10V range.
When using a analog output offset with the action table the output voltage was clipped at a voltage within the expected 0 to 10V range.
The firmware has been changed so that the analog output is only limited by the 0 to 10V range.
On X22 the termination was not set correctly and the user was unable to set termination when an incremental feedback was selected.
The termination on X22 is no set correctly. And the user is able to set the termination with DIO#.TERM keyword when an incremental feedback is selected.
Linear BiSS-C feedback support has been added. To use a linear BiSS-C feedback, FB#.MECHTYPE must be set to 1 (Linear), and FB#.BITS and FB#.LINEPITCH must be configured, where # identifies the feedback connector. FB#.SELECT 34 (BiSS-C Digital) selects the BiSS-C feedback type.
Support for Smart Feedback Adapter (SFA) has been added. SFA allows feedback devices that normally connect to X23 (FB3) to connect through X1 (FB1) and X2 (FB2) instead. The following feedback devices are supported: Resolver, BiSS-C Digital, EnDat 2.1 Analog, EnDat 2.2 Digital, Sine Encoder with and without Halls.
A new CoE object was added for AXIS#.UNIT.LABEL at 5010h sub-index 9.
Functional Safety
When uploading a new safety parameter file to the drive, the AXIS#.SAFE.SBC.BRAKE#ATTACHED keywords are not updated correctly.
Fixed the issue. The parameter cache for this safety parameters is now updated correctly when a new parameter file is uploaded.
Supported safety functions: STO, SS1, SBC, SDB
Supported safe fieldbus: FSoE and FSoE parametrization
Safe Module version: 0.38 or higher
Limitation: SBT (safe brake test) is not usable yet.
F2007 and F2014 were reported on disabled axis, even if no motor is connected.
F2007 and F2014 are now reported only on enabled axis.
A bug was identified which allowed the power stage to command current even after the amplifier was disabled.
The bug has been fixed and IL.CMD will always be zero after the amp has been disabled
A new warning W5007 has been added to the firmware, indicating that the brake state is overridden by AXIS#.MOTOR.BRAKECONTROL, but no brake is configured.
If a motion source is non-zero upon amp enable, an instantaneous acceleration will be calculated.
Acceleration signal is zeroed upon amp enable to suppress discontinuities.
A bug was introduced where the integrators would be disabled during controlled stops. This caused vertical axes, and axes with IL.OFFSET configured to drift during controlled stop
The integrators have been re-instated for controlled stop.
MT.CLEAR command did not clear MT.CAP correctly.
MT.CLEAR command behavior has changed, and clears the MT.CAP now correctly.
If VL.CMDU is non-zero, and a subsequent Service Motion is commanded, VL.CMD will be the sum of the two commands
VL.CMDU will not longer be allowed to be commanded if a service motion is in progress. If a Service Motion is commanded while VL.CMDU is non-zero, the service motion will supercede the VL.CMDU setting.
AXIS#.MT.RUNNING takes the index of a valid motion task as an argument, and indicates whether the specified task is running. Value 1 indicates the task is running, and 0 indicates the task is not running.
New accel/decel limits have been added which affect Velocity Mode Analog Command Source. Use these keywords to limit the accel/decl of an analog based trajectory
Version 02-01-01-000 : April 9, 2019
Analog & Digital IO
When using ACTION#.TASK 15 (Set Analog Output) with a velocity command as the source (ACTION#.SOURCE 16), and the scaling ACTION#.TASKPARAM is high the analog output may not be correct.
The firmware has changed so that the analog output stays at 10V or 0V when the signal is greater than 10V or less than 0V.
The AOUT#.OFFSET range was from -5V to 5V, while documentation said the range for this keyword should be from -10 to 10V.
Changed the AOUT#.OFFSET range from -10V to 10V.
If FB#.IDENTIFIED returns 0 (UnIdentified) then FB#.INFO for that feedback would crash the drive.
The firmware has been changed to display an appropriate message instead of crashing.
When a feedback is not connected properly to the device, a fault was thrown after initialization and the feedback is shown as identified.
When a fault occurs during initialization, the feedback is shown as unidentified.
Some Endat 2.2 encoders did not work correctly on FB3. They reported CRC faults or temperature reading faults.
Added correct reading of temperature sensor on Endat 2.2 with safety encoders. Also added new initialization routine for Endat 2.2 encoders.
The drive would get a F7003 'PLL failed to acquire lock' after any unrelated fault was cleared.
An issue in firmware was fixed that inadvertently set this fault when clearing faults.
When using cyclic position mode (CSP) and the 32-bit target position (CANopen object 607Ah) rolls over from positive to negative, the PL.CMD value jumps from a large positive to large negative value. This causes a following error fault and the drive disables.
The drive firmware was updated to account for 32-bit rollover and only observes the difference in target positive values while in CSP mode.
A PLL fault was generated at start-up and only a WorkBench command DRV.CLRFAULTS could clear the fault. Resetting faults with the CANopen control word (6040h) did not succeed.
The drive was updated to permit clearing the PLL fault with the control word (6040h) as well as the AXIS#.CLRFAULTS keyword.
The drive now supports the EtherCAT emergency service. Whenever a fault or warning occurs, it will send a CoE frame containing a CANopen emergency object. Additionally, once all faults and warnings are cleared the drive will send a similar frame with the emergency code in the emergency object set to 0.
CANbus drives can now synchronize to SYNC messages when CANBUS.PLLMODE is enabled.
If an Action Task is set to Enable an axis with Action Source = Ready To Operate (RTO/RTB), when the drive is rebooted, the axis is not enabled. If the drive is disabled via HW enable with SW enable still set and a DRV.RSTVAR is issued, SW enable remains set but should be cleared.
The drive when rebooted, does enable the desired axis set in the Action Task. It now clears the SW enable bit when DRV.RSTVAR is issued.
A power stage fault was generated and unable to be cleared without a power cycle.
An issue in firmware was fixed where certain hardware faults remained after a clear faults was issued.
If the drive is disabled via HW enable with SW enable still set and a DRV.RSTVAR is issued, SW enable remains set but should be cleared.
The drive now clears the SW enable bit when DRV.RSTVAR is issued.
FB#.MECHTYPE can be set to Rotary(0) or Linear(1) - use FB#.ENCLINES for Rotary Motors and FB#.LINEPITCH for Linear motors.
End Resolution of Linear Motors will be the result of MOTOR.PITCH / FB#.LINEPITCH
AXIS#.IL.FB and AXIS#.IL.CMD signs were opposite in WorkBench scope when using recorder and using the keywords when AXIS#.DIR was set for negative commutation.
An issue in firmware was fixed where the value being sent to the recorder did not account for AXIS#.DIR properly.
A change of PL.FB.SOURCE does not clear homing. The Axis was still homed.
The homing is now cleared when PL.FB.SOURCE is changed to a different feedback.
When the drive is in Velocity Mode and an AXIS#.STOP command is issued, a discontinuity occurs on initial deceleration
Loop logic has been updated and fixed
Motor & Power Stage
The default value for AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTRESHU is set to 0. In this case the AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESH is also set to 0.
The default value for AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTHRESHU is now set to AXIS#.IPEAK and AXIS#.IL.FOLDFTRESH is also unequal to 0 by default.
Per UL requirement, one of the filters in the motor foldback class initializes to 50% when booting. This initialization takes place when constructing the class, and at this time not all motor parameters are configured yet. Therefore, it may initialize to a level that is above the fault threshold. The filter output will eventually converge to the correct level after some time.
This issue is resolved.
Transition between nominal and high PWM frequency happens at wrong temperature for HV12 model.
This issue is resolved.
Now, the transition happens at the correct threshold, which is
Drive Foldback Recovery time was previously set to 5 seconds.
In the new FW version, the Drive Foldback Recovery Time is set at boot time such that the average drive current remains equal to or lower than the drive continuous current at worst case condition.
Version 02-01-00-001 : March 12, 2019
Motor & Power Stage
Fault 2006: Bus over voltage should be reported regardless of whether an axis is enabled or disabled. The fault is not reported with disabled axis.
Fault 2006: Bus over voltage is reported for both enabled and disabled axis.
Version 02-01-00-000 : March 11, 2019
Action Table
For continuous tasks the ACTION#.RUNCOUNT is always set to 0. The new ACTION.RUNNING keyword shows which tasks are executed in the actual cycle. Each of the 32 bits shows if the corresponding action is executed in the current cycle.
The new command FB#.INFO prints details like the encoder model number or encoder serial number if this information is available.
The CoE tab in TwinCat 3 would indicate offline.
Fixed firmware issue when receiving abort messages.
Firmware supports SDO's with large (greater than 4 bytes) payloads.
Many CANopen objects containing subindices had the wrong read/write attributes in the EtherCAT Slave Information (ESI) file. The attributes in the drive were correct.
The ESI file has been updated with the correct attributes.
Added CANopen objects 60D1h-60D4h and 68D1h-68D4h. Added keyword CAP#.T.
In torque mode AXIS#.IL.CMDU and AXIS#.IL.CMD signs do not match when AXIS#.DIR = 1. In position mode AXIS#.PL.ERR has a different sign from AXIS#.IL.CMD.
Changed the signs of AXIS#.IL.CMD and AXIS#.IL.FB.
A fault F4016 indicating that invalid motor data was read from the feedback was triggered even when MOTOR.AUTOSET was set to 0.
F4016 should now only occur when MOTOR.AUTOSET is set to 1.
When performing the friction test in the Autotuner, the motor will move in the incorrect direction and the Autotuner will fail to determine an excitation current.
While consolidating some code an error was introduced which caused the excitation current to be the wrong sign.
Clearing faults with Feedbacks configured to Auto-Identify may take a long time to clear faults
Code architecture has been optimized to reduce time spent clearing faults.
No fault thrown when PTC resistor input is missing.
When PTC resistor input is missing, a fault is thrown and the faulted axis is disabled.
When warning 6015 appears on the drive and homing is set with AXIS#.HOME.SET, the warning was not cleared.
The home warnings are now cleared when home is set with AXIS#.HOME.SET.
- With this feature, a broken wire connection to the motor, whether one phase or three phase, can be detected.
- Upon detection, a fault is thrown and the faulted axis is disabled.
In the previous versions, all temperature faults & warnings are applied to both axes. For example, an over temperature fault on axis 1 can shut down axis 2 too.
The new version of the FW distinguishes between the temperature faults:
1- Control board temperature faults & warnings are applied to both axes.
2- Power board temperature faults & warnings are only applied to their corresponding axis. For example, and over temperature fault on axis 1 is only reported for axis 1 and does not block axis 2 from operating.
3- Power board EDS parameters (over temperature fault and warning levels) are changed from scalars to arrays to determine the thresholds for each axis separately.
Added the following new keywords to get informations about the sine/cosine encoder signal quality: FBX.SIGNALAMPLITUDE, FBX.SIGNALSIN, FBX.SIGNALCOS.
If an axis is in motion in torque mode, and a controlled stop is issued (from any source), the axis will not disable until VL.FBFILTER is below AXIS#.DISVTHRESH. However, if there is an external force (or current offset) producing motion, the axis may never disable on it's own.
If controlled stop is issued from Torque Mode, the axis will activate dynamic brake to help drive the axis to zero velocity. This will ensure the axis can disable even when an external force is being applied to the motor.
When using blending as a transition between motion tasks, if the direction of motion is not in the same direction, the target position will be overshot - and the transition between motion tasks may behave unpredictably.
If blending is selected when transitioning to an alternating direction, blending will be ignored, and the two motion tasks will be executed as a zero dwell delay move to the trajectory does not overshoot.
Motor & Power Stage
In the previous versions, AXIS#.IL.DIFOLD always returns a value between AXIS#.ICONT and AXIS#.IPEAK. In other words, the drive foldback algorithm output is always clamped to the drive peak current.
The drive foldback algorithm, however, lets the fold current to go above the peak current in order to ensure a minimum delay time before current foldback kicks in.
In the new version, AXIS#.IL.DIFOLD is not clamped to AXIS#.IPEAK so that the user can see how the drive foldback algorithm works.
Version 02-00-01-002 : February 25, 2019
Version 02-00-01-001 : February 12, 2019
Version 02-00-01-000 : January 31, 2019
The internal drive state machine would issue a disable when the brake was manually released or applied while enabled.
The firmware was updated to not disable the axis when the brake was manually controlled while enabled.
Added new keywords for EtherCat/CANBus drives to view the status and control words.
The new CanOpen object 1008h "Manufacturer Device Name" returns a string that contains the full AKD2G model number. This model number is on the label on the side of the drive and available using DRV.INFO.
Diagnostic keywords for CANBus and EtherCat were added to collect various diagnostic information for each fieldbus.
When gearing is selected as CMDSOURCE and the GEAR.FBSOURCE matches the same feedback as IL/VL/PL.FBSOURCE the axis cannot be controlled.
A warning is now generated when GEAR.FBSOURCE matches IL/VL/PL.FBSOURCE and CMDSOURCE is set to gearing. If the axis is enabled then a fault is generated as well and the axis is forced to disable.
- AXIS#.IL.VCMD and AXIS#.IL.VDCMD were reporting wrong units. Now they are fixed and both report "Vrms L-N" (line to neutral).
- AXIS#.IL.VUFB and AXIS#.IL.VVFB are also fixed to report correct values in "V L-N" (line to neutral).
- AXIS#.IL.DEADBAND privilege is changed from read-only to read/write.
- Its unit is nano-seconds when reading/writing.
Depending on configuration and tuning, an axis in motion stopping due to DRV.STOP may see a velocity spike as soon as VL.FB dips below AXIS#.DISVTHRESH.
The axis was trying to immediately come to rest when VL.FB is below AXIS#.DISVTHRESH by setting PL.CMD equal to PL.FB, this has been changed to allow the axis to come to rest naturally.
Bit 12 of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT should be set when a motion task is executing and the target velocity has been reached. Instaed of this bit being set once when getting to close to the slew speed and being cleared when the motion task finished, the bit would keep changing.
The default value of AXIS#.SETTLE.V was changed to 60rpm. AXIS#.SETTLE.V is used to decide if the speed of the axis is sufficiently close to the target speed. The default value for AXIS#.SETTLE.V was previously too small.
The logic to set bit 12 of AXIS#.MOTIONSTAT has been changed to use AXIS#.VL.FBFILTER instead of AXIS#.VL.FB. This filtered version of the velocity feedback is significantly smoother allowing AXIS#.SETTLE.V to be set much smaller.
Wake and Shake
Wake and Shake (all modes) will continue even when the axis moves past a software or hardware limit switch.
This behavior has been fixed, and a new fault added (F5514) which will trigger when this condition occurs.
Version 02-00-00-001 : January 11, 2019
Most single axis drives only have one power board temperature sensor and HW.TEMP3 should not be visible on these drives.
HW.TEMP3 is now not visible on most single axis drives, and Warning 2503 is not reported on these drive models. HW.TEMP3 does work on a 7V12S which does have two power temperature sensors.
Version 02-00-00-000 : December 20, 2018
AKD2G firmware version 02-00-00-000 is available for download and general use. AKD2G is a leading edge drive product that provides many state of the art features.
- Multi-axis operation with complete feature support on each axis
- Improved feedback management
- Improved electronic gearing support
- Action table enhancements to digital input and output modes
- Improved control loop capabilities and performance
- Improved capture and motion task registration move functionality
- Enhanced fieldbus capabilities and performance
- File download security
- LCD graphics display